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work in progress Realism/Balance Mod


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Im currently working on a realism/balance mod that will include some of the following


Land Battles


I felt AT-ST were quite pointless as the only thing they are good at killing is turrets and well everything is good at killing turrets. So I increased their accuracy against infantry units.


I felt that the empire always had more resources and a much larger army then the rebellion, so I made the empire stormtroopers squads come in three squads of 10 rather then two squads of nine. To balance this issue I reduced stormtroopers hitpoints. So now land battles have more of an epic feel with the mass waves of stormtroopers and the more trained rebels fighting them off.


As a balance issue I thought it was unfair for one vehicle during a huge fight to slip in and run over hundred of troopers, so I got rid of all trampling effects on both sides. (This option will be seperate from the rest so you can decide if you want this or not).


I increased the cap you can have in a land fight by a small ammount so that it has a more epic feel but at the same time isnt a huge ammount of micromanagement.



Space Battles


I increased the cap from 20 to 40


I felt that capital ships shields were next to pointless as they get wiped out quick, so I increased the shields on all capital ships.


I decresed the accuracy on fighters on the tartan and Ccorvette units so that they cant wipe out fighters as easily as they were.


I increased the unit production of the Acclamator two 2 per construction I did the same with the Neb B Frigate. (more epic feel) (im thinking of doubling up every unit so you get 2 for one on everything just to see how it works with lag and balance issues.)


With the increased space cap I thought that it may be too easy to rush a Space Station and destroy it with no problem so I increased the stations hit points.


I Made Obi Wan Konobi able to fight adequatly in space. (just added shields and weapons to his shuttle)


I made Darth Vader in space slightly stronger


Im thinking of taking away the ion cannons ability to disable a ships engine and make it just do damage like hyper velocity



Galactic Conquest


I made travel much slower

To travel from one planet to an adjacent planet it takes one full day

To Travel from one planet to two planets away takes two full days and so on.


With Travel being slower I increased Currency for home planets only, Making them huge targets to the enemy.


I increased the cost of space stations

I decreased the cost of some vehicles

I decreased the cost of tartans and Ccorvettes



Any changes you would like to see added that are resonable and deal with only galactic conquest, space, or Land (no skirmish stuff please)


Then tell me here, as soon as I get this done I will put it here for download

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Sounds good but instead of making only two ships come in 2-packs you should make everything because they might be unbalanced, or maybe make some weaker ships come in 2-packs when you get to higher techs so that you might want to build them instead of abandoning them for the newer ships.


Also if i might suggest a good drop of credit accumulation since you can rack up on credits pretty quick without problem, oh and make the pirates have more cash so they can be a good distraction for empire vs rebel campaigns.


I like the idea of the ion cannon doing damage, and it would be a great change since the space cap is increased.

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Excellent mod so far! Consider also :


***doubling the Scout Trooper hit points or their number/unit to 4. I find them to be such incredible lightweights, that I can't even drop a thermal detonator before they're destroyed.


***not counting probe droids to the population cap (they instantly become non-populants on use, so the fact that the contribute to the population cap is weird to me).


***changing your travel speeds to half of your proposal, since I'm worried about the length of the trips being too long. Thoughts?


***decreasing Vader's hitpoints on land battles. I mean, they're insane :)! I love Vader but man is he unbalancing: he crushes vehicles, devestates infantry, and though not a "special" ability, he also halts/destroys turrets. I love him a lot, but know he's too much of a good thing.


I'll follow your progress closely :). Also: were you planning of making the mod delete-able so there are no mod-vs-mod problems resulting in need for fresh installs? I have no computer programming experience (physician IRL) but want to make sure I can try all the mods :).

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I completely agree about the scout troopers, but I would need something on alliance to be buffed to offset it.


I was thinking of decresing vaders hitpoints but I think because hes so epic that would be an injustice, so instead im going to increase his force abilites cooldown timer. Its currently at 30 seconds, maybe put it at a 45-60 seconds.


As far as the time movement im going off of Starwars rebellion. When you traveled in Rebellion it took forever and gave you plenty of time to micromanage other things.


As far as changing the money making, I would love too but im worried about blancing and tweeking. Its quite the undertaking, so ill look into it.


And yes all changes will be made in XML files that you can simply remove to revert back to the normal setup

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