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EAW: Star Wars Realism v1.0 (Space Combat)


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Oops, posted in wrong forum -.-. Someone delete this please I remade the thread in the full game mod forum.


EAW: Star Wars Realism v1.0 (Space Combat)



EAW v1.2 mod to bring space combat more in line with my experience from the movies and the EU novels (particularly Rogue Squadron), as well as balancing gameplay elements. Fighters are now more useful, and broken / overpowered units such as the Ion Cannon / Assault Frigate have been balanced. Modded for Skirmish, but all space unit changes transfer over to the Story / Galactic Campaign modes.


Download Link

http://www.filecloud.com/user/files.php?category_id=386624 (127kb .zip)



Unzip the zip file, transfer the XML folder inside to your EAW/Gamedata/data folder. To uninstall, simply remove / rename the XML folder.


Elaborated Changes (Some, not all)

Fightercraft overall more useful - able to last longer against Corvettes.

Corvettes actually killable by bigger ships.

Ion cannon now balanced - drains 3000 shield instead of 45000.

X-Wing fires proton torpedoes! (non-penetrating)

A-Wing fires concussion missiles! (non-penetrating)

Y-wing's mounted turret actually fires 360 degrees now.

TIE Bomber fires concussion missiles! (non-penetrating)

Power to Weapons / Shield Regen abilities modified to be more usable.

Frigate class vessels now have better firepower and health.

Tweaks to heroes.



Decided to play around to satisfy my urge to see a more Lore-linked space combat. Eventually the changes kept growing until I decided to make it accessible to everyone for feedback and to enjoy a better game. Can't stand ground combat though.


Future Plans

More weapons hardpoints, so that all capital ships have at least 1-2 guns still capable of firing.


Additional ship types to diversity gameplay, such as fast moving capital ships for flanking, and ships that fire devastating broadsides but then have to recharge.


Getting new models etc in once people make them (cuz I can't).


Whatever ideas or suggestions I get :)



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