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Skirmish ai needs work


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I have fought several space skirmish battles as the imperials against hard rebel ai. Most games I sit back getting 3 mines letting the rebels take the others and build up. They build up alright but even on hard they never attack as a fleet. They will build maybe one mon cal cruiser and send it to my base with one fleet of a-wings. They also build numerous gunships and corvettes but they come at me without any support They will build heroes such as home one, but it will usually attack by itself and I take him out easily with my fleet of sd's. I can never get a really good fight going since they never seem to wait for unit strength, and attack as a group.


Secondly, does the ai not build above the 20 ship cap limit, I have it set at 30 and I seem to outnumber them by a large margin once i build up full strength (maybe it doesnt know it can build past 20?).

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