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Transformers Mod


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I just watched the 1986 Transformers movie and had the idea that a Transformers complete conversion mod would be awesome.


Hear me out too, while everything would require models be made, the logistics wouldn't be that difficult. The heroes for either side would be all famous Autobots and Decepticons from the series, the ground forces would be various no name robots (taking terms from the new series they could be Omnicons and Terrorcons) of various models, the space forces would also be for the most part no name robots save the capitol ships which could be modeled after those found in the movie. The neat thing would be instead of special abilities everything would have transformations (I'm not sure if this part is possible but it would be really cool). The Pirates would be replaced with Quintissons, their groundforces would be sharkticons, etc. Indigenous species would be Junkions, Humans, those guys who were whiped out by Unicron in the begining etc. The Decepticons could "summon" Unicron instead of the Death Star.


I'm by no stretch of the imagination a programmer, I know nothing about modding and have never done it before but I thought I'd toss this idea out there because I'd love to play it. I would love to work on some of the planning of this mod, maybe even working out a story if people would be interested in making a campaign mode or something. What does everyone think?

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