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TBH, troopers and maulers are both absolutely fine in my opinion. Scout troopers are supposed to attack in groups. A single speederbike can be shot out of the air in a nanosecond. That's how it's supposed to be. This scales with the amount of hurt they can put out with those thermal detonators, and as such they have to be fragile to compensate for that.


Maulers are supposed to be fragile, mass-produced tanks. They have great anti-infantry capabilities but they can only deal out the punishment, rather than take it.


AT-ST's though I'd have to agree on. Thing is, why have Maulers if AT-ST's are going to be anti-infantry? While I find the way AT-ST's work to be.. odd.. I can see why they're set up that way. Otherwise you'd just have a copycat unit. I think it would be interesting to make AT-ST's an all-rounder. Not particularly fantastic at anything, but reasonable at all things. Improving Anti-infantry accuracy would go a long way towards doing that and perhaps reducing the damage that turrents can inflict on them would make them a great turret-killer.



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TBH, troopers and maulers are both absolutely fine in my opinion. Scout troopers are supposed to attack in groups. A single speederbike can be shot out of the air in a nanosecond. That's how it's supposed to be. This scales with the amount of hurt they can put out with those thermal detonators, and as such they have to be fragile to compensate for that.


Maulers are supposed to be fragile, mass-produced tanks. They have great anti-infantry capabilities but they can only deal out the punishment, rather than take it.


AT-ST's though I'd have to agree on. Thing is, why have Maulers if AT-ST's are going to be anti-infantry? While I find the way AT-ST's work to be.. odd.. I can see why they're set up that way. Otherwise you'd just have a copycat unit. I think it would be interesting to make AT-ST's an all-rounder. Not particularly fantastic at anything, but reasonable at all things. Improving Anti-infantry accuracy would go a long way towards doing that and perhaps reducing the damage that turrents can inflict on them would make them a great turret-killer.




Then it should be 4 in a group instead of 2 that way atleast 1 would survive long enough to drop the mine. When I land on a planet, and I can pull down 4 units I always pass the scouts up because I feel they are a waste of a needed spot, but if increased in size then I think they might be worth it. What do you think?


Maulers - Good point


AT-ST- I Like the feeling/look of the AT-ST, but without an enchancement they seem like wasted space. I have not counted, but I think it would take around 12 AT-ST's to dispatch a group of infantry in a reasonable amount of time. So do you know how to apply the enchancement to make the AT-ST an all rounder TB?

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Why not take out the Mauler completely... for me Empire ground troops consist of Stormtroopers, Speederbikes, AT-STs and of course the almighty AT-AT. I would even consider taking out those artillerie pieces and make the AT-ST do a small amount of splash damage. This way the Empire would be less diversive but have the superior firepower (that's what I imagine the Empire to be like). Stormtroopers grouped with AT-STs should be able to counter all but the heaviest threats (T4-Bs/Speeders). I would even go one step further... without turbolasers and speeders you should have a real problem taking down AT-ATs... and that includes T4-Bs. I imagined this huge monster to be the ultimate weapon of ground warfare, marching through laserfire as if it was rain, I would cap the deployable Stormtroopers though.


So your vital objective has to be to never let them drop AT-ATs onto your planet... or your screwed. To compensate that Speeders should have a better change to cripple them. Of course they should be destroyable by laserfire... but that should take at least twice as long as it does now. In the movies (probably one of the most hated quotes soon) you see all those turrets and speeders not even making a dent in the armor. I'm sure I'll get some balance issues with these ideas... but hey... it's my game anyway ;))

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I agree 100%.

Imo consistency of the universe comes first. Kick those damn maulers :-)

I'd like to balance according to the Star Wars universe. The ingame balance can be done (mostly) by adjusting the unit costs (credits and slots).

At least then it's OUR game ;-)

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True... one issue I have to resolve yet is the bases where the AI built about 2-4 advanced facilities... spitting out AT-AT after AT-AT... that would be very tough. But I think that can be capped to0... we'll see.


edit: well okay, that wasnt too hard... specialstructures.xml. Reduced the spawn from unlimited to 1 at load and a 2nd one 3 minutes after the first one is destroyed.

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What do you mean? The amount of Stormtroopers an AT-AT can spawn? I've looked into it (quickly)... and it doesn't seem you can limit them. There's only a limit on how many you can have at once (currently 2). This special Stormtrooper-Deploy spawning of the AT-ATs works differently than the spawning of vehicles or fighters it seems.

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Not sure why I hijack this thread... but I managed to reactivate the headmounted lasers of the AT-ATs... one step further towards consistency ;)


See attached screenie


Test screenie



As I started the AT-AT thing in a new topic I'll edit this one out (mostly).


Back to topic: I changed my AT-STs in a way that they can fulfill the role of anti-infantry and (light) anti-vehicle. I ripped off the barage ability as it made no sense to me and replaced it with a "all power to weapons" ability which gives them a short duration boost on their weapons for the cost of mobility. I added further a small amount of splash damage to the shots. They're pretty good now at dispatching small groups of infantry... they are however more vulnerable to infiltrator sticky bombs which were in my opinion underpowered.


The Maulers have been removed from the list completely. I would also like to remove the tanks but I don't know what to spawn/build in those facilities in exchange.

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Maulers (more accurately, Tie-Crawlers) are an important part of the Expanded Universe. Far cheaper than walkers, faster and not vulnerable to tow-cables or swinging Ewok trees of doom. TBH I think they serve a purpose and they're a good unit, but I agree that AT-ST's could use some work.



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I do like those... I just think the design of the crawler doesn't fit at all (that's why I said "I personally don't like it"). A Tie fighter on tracks... that's simply not creative enough and is plain ugly *g*. Besides I'm doing this for me... so it's totally up to me to remove it. I just wanted to state my opinion and talk about the approach I took.


I want to recreate the atmosphere I felt when I watched the last three movies when I was a kid... that is the battles of Hoth and Endor. I'm not that picky when it comes to space combat... I prefer Star Destroyers and Calamari cruisers... but I haven't yet removed any of the spacecraft... I even added the Venator back again and the Moldy Crow.

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