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Map Editing/ Resizing


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This is more of a general post to talk about interest in map resizing and guage everyones opinion. EAW is very enjoyable to play, but, whereas Petro felt that "open space" maps would feel lifeless and boring, it is silly to assume from all Star Wars lore that massive fleets engaged in battles around asteriods all the time. It would have been nice to see some massive maps of open space, of course with some non asteriod obstacles in it, that allowed an open battle without pain in the arse asteriods to manuever around. Even the skirmish maps end up being congested with asteriods and crashed ships floating in space. I would love to see and possible work on several maps that were larger and more open. Im not bashing EAW or Petro in any way, and personally feel that by making the game so easily modded that they did a service the the community. It would be great to have a SSD on a map and be able to manuever it without crashing. Anyone agree or working on such maps let us know.

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I guess in the Star Wars universe EVERY planet in EVERY star system has massive asteroid fields, and nebulas orbiting it (major sarcasm here). :D


I guess this was done this way because the old westwood devs still have the C&C "Chokepoint" mentallity when it comes to map making. Not a bad thing at all for ground combat, but SPACE?! lol. Still the space maps are nicely done. I would however love to see a nice large open space map. Guess we will have to wait for the map editor.


Kudos to petro. This is an excellent game with lots of potential

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