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Battlefleet Gothic / WH40K Mod


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If you are unfamiliar with Battlfleet Gothic or WH40k (Warhammer 40,000), allow me to provide a basic background.


It is the 41st millenium, the Empire of Mankind is besieged on all sides by aliens, heretics, mutants and worse. The insidious forces dwelling within the Eye of Terror are a constant threat. Ever few centuries the Archenemy of Mankind launches another Black Crusade against the Emperor's domain.


This mod will occur during just such a Black Crusade, with the forces of Humanity engaged in a desperate defense against the pernicious and evil forces of Chaos. The battles will occur on the planets and above them, with might Battleships trading blows with weapons capable of destroying continents. On the ground, the valiant Imperial Guard will fight tooth and nail to deny victory to the Traitor Legions. The stars will run red with the blood of the slain, and only after the last shell casing falls to the ground, and the last lance salvo is fired from the prow of a Battleship will the victor be made clear.



-Several large battleships and escorts, space battles will feel truly epic

-Fighters will be critcal to achieving success in a battle

-Escort ships will provide unique abilities and augmentations to the larger battleships


-Ground combat will be furious and merciless

-Elite units such as the Adeptus Astartes and Traitor Marines will be included

-Mercenary forces such as the Tau and Eldar will also be included

-Buildings will be able to defend themselves with turrets


Proposed Units:





-Imperial Guardsman

-Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Team

-Sentinel Walker

-Hellhound Flame Tank

-Leman Russ Battle Tank

-Leman Russ Demolisher

-Basilisk Artillery

-Tactical Space Marine

-Space Marine Terminator

-Predator Tank

-Baneblade Super Heavy Tank

-Battle Titans



-2 Battleships

-1 Carrier

-4 Escorts

-Lightning Fighters


-Mobile 'Space Station'






-Traitor Guardsman

-Traitor Guardsman Heavy Weapons Team

-Chaos Defiler

-Corrupted Leman Russ


-Chaos Spawn

-Daemon Packs

-Daemon Princes

-Traitor Marines

-Chaos Sorcerers

-Battle Titans



-2 Battleships

-1 Carrier

-4 Escorts

-Marauder Fighters


-Mobile 'Space Station'




I have worked on mods for HL1, WC3 and a few others. I am looking for interested folks who would like to see something like this created for the EaW community. I realize that some of the neccessary tools have yet to be released, but I want to get a team together now and take care of planning and such before the actual work begins. PM me if interested, or post if you feel inclined.

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Glad to see some interest in the mod. I realize Imperials/Chaos is already heavily done (Dawn of War, etc). I'm currently considering and looking over my Codexes to see if Necrons, Tyranids or perhaps Dark Eldar are feasible. I may also decide to focus on the Tau and their expansion. We'll see. Still need some folks who are interested in helping!

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well several of us have already started on our own 40k mod, one of which is Only War 2, great looking models, a little on the heavy side... then you have the mod that I have started, so far its only me but hey, it works... it will be called Imperium at War, to kinda keep with the title, here the link to the thread on this forum:




and here is the link on the PFF forums:




as you can see the basic cruiser has been done for the Imperium, but I hope to get the others done sometime in my spare time... anyway, if you want to team up, just give me a hollar and we can arrange something.



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