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Space Mines questions


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Hello, new member to this forum and I've already learned a lot:) I got the full version the day it came out and I've already started modifying some basic things in the game. Added a couple new weapons from Star Wars spacesim games like Heavy Rockets and the Ion Torpedo (anti-shield, wish I could make it disable the ship like ion cannons did in the other games) and I've been working on my newest idea: space mines.


So far, I've modified the Gunboat to use the "Bombard" basic code from the Broadside Cruiser to dispense a new weapon I hacked together from the Siesmic Charge for the graphics and damage type. I used the <Projectile_Max_Scan_Range>750.0</Projectile_Max_Scan_Range> line so they'd aquire their own targets after being deployed, but what's happening is they get disgorged by the gunboat and then float away in a cone from the ship until they reach their max travel distance and detonate, without any sort of guidance. They also aren't exploding when they come into even direct contact with a ship until they reach the max range and explode anyway.


So, how can I make them stationary until they see a target, or if that's not possible, at least home in on a target they're floating by? Also, is there any proximity detonation line I can add so they explode after getting within so many units of an enemy?


A small problem I'm having is that they don't seem to be able to damage space stations at all. Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated! If I manage to get this stuff working properly, I'll release it unto the world so at least other people can learn from my terrible mistakes:D

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