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[GC/Campaign]Epic War Mod 0.11


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MakrOs Epic War Mod 0.13


This is my first try, to make Empire at War a little bit more like Star Wars Rebellion.Actually i haven't changed much in this very first stage of alpha.My goal is to revive the epic gameplay feeling you have in rebellion, where it's not possible to beam your fleets from one planet to another in just a day or even faster, and you don't reach end of line in research in an ohur or so.Suggestions for improvements are very welcome.



To install, just extract the Gamedata folder into your Empre at War folder.



Slowdown of Hyperspace

All buildtimes increased great

Cost für TechUpgrades and Techstealing increased by the factor of 4

Income for all planets halfed



fixed some nasty bug



made the Land Forces tougher by 50% and the space units by 25%

halfed the income bonus of the mining facilities



increased r2d2&c3po's respawntime after techstealing to even out the rebel's advantage in techadvancing

rised the percentage of Han&Chewie's Moneystealingability

to keep the balace between han and boba, i rised the respawntime heroes need, when the got assasinated by boba fett






Mod Manager compatible Version:


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