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Simple GC:Galatic Conflict Mod


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Since I couldn't really find a mod that allowed for a minimal start on the largest map available, I took it upon myself to make one.

This is what I have so far:

Rebels start with Hoth and Yavin, with minimal troops (I think it's one infantry per planet, and a level one base on Yavin)

Empire starts with only Corus****, but with more troops and ships.


I did this to simulate the Empire having to consolodate its territory, while the Rebels need to just build from the ground up.


I am going to place pirate fleets and armies on all the inner planets of varying strengths and leave the outer planets pretty much uninhabited (though there will be the occassional pirate force)


NOTHING else will be changed. I love playing multiplayer, so I wanted to be sure I could do both without having to switch out the XML files each and every time.


If you are interested in a copy of this, drop me a private message. It still needs a bit of tweaking, but I played it for an hour last night and it was quite fun.

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