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Star Wars shattered empire


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This mod based of MistenTH's great Star wars realism mod is designed to accuratly reflect the ships and units from the battle of hoth to the remnate peace accords. As of now it is only a realism mod for the models we have now. If someone would like to help me with ground realism changes that would be great but they will not be included in this relase. I would like to add a slower pace ground combat where soliders have figherfights and long range and more tactical elements come into play.



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Here are the changes for v.1.0



My added changes from Space realism mod...


Added squadrons to Mon cals, 3 X-wings and 2 Y-wings first then 2 X-wings and 1 Y-wing in reserve for a total of 35 starfighters (mon cals carry 36 in EU)


Added squadrons to Nebulon B, 3 Xwings and 1 Y-wing first then 1 X-wing in reserve for a total of 24 (Nebulon B's carry 24 in EU)


increaced cost of Mon cals (6500) and Nebulon B's (2700) to balance for their new fighter squadrons, also Mon Cal cost represents the work the rebels needed to refit the Mon cals from cruise liners and aquire all the turbo lasers etc.


added more tie squadrons to SD for a total of 72 tie's { 10 squadrons} (held 16 for reserve) SD in EU carry 72 ties


reduced turn rate of ships back to normal


Took out TIE interecptor squadrons untill new models are made


After teasting the new mod this was the result:

the fighter battle lasts a lot longer into engagements now (up to 10 min.) SD will usually be able to take out mon cals but will take a beating 1 on 1, in a battle the rebel fighters along with their frigates will help close the gap and battles are very dependant on strategy. A rebel fleet can't go toe to toe with a group of SD w/ support ships (since they will usually be outnumbered due to higher costs) but if the rebel player uses his superior fighters and some good tactics he can win. The imperials have to be careful and play to their strengths and watch out for those rebel fighters.. all in all this mode right now really reflects what I space battle would be like from episodes IV-VI again thanks MistenTH for the great mod



Changes from Starwars realism (note I tweaked manny of the changes here for a diffrent type of game play)



Interdictor rate of fire improved. Its weaponry is primarily anti-fighter.


All advanced fighter squadrons costs down from 500 to 450 to help Rebels against TIE swarms.


Corvettes now take less damage from frigates and capital ships. They still die fast if you leave

them stationary.


All gunnery crews have been given basic training. They should now be able to hit the broad side

of a barn. (Default EAW had frigates and corvettes with 70 inaccuracy against capital ships)


All space structures now prevent hyperspace jumps too close to them. They do have a mass shadow

after all, and hyping into one is not a smart idea. If you own the structure, your navigators will

be able to plot a more accurate jump and the mass shadow does not apply.


Skirmish Space Station Upgrade shifted to research queue so that AI will build more units

to fight with.


Venator can now be purchased from Pirate/Merchant spacedock in Skirmish. It, and the other pirate

ships have been tweaked, but don't expect them to be very good. They are obselete.


Skirmish starting credits can be set at 20000.


All heavy turbolasers no longer target fightercraft. This made winning the AI too easy

when they stupidly aimed their big guns at fighters and ignored capital ships.



The Tartan and Corellian Corvette's firing AI has been modified, and each now sports 2 360 degree laser cannons.

There should be a notable improvement in anti-fighter capabilities, despite no increase in damage.


Skirmish defence satellites now cheaper and build faster.


Space unit caps for both factions now +20.


Light Concussion missiles are smaller and Light Proton torpedoes are brighter to differentiate them

from the heavier shield-penetrating varieties.


Campaign hyperspace speed reduced by a factor of 5, except for heroes.


Large Capital Ships now pricier.


Superweapons recharge time in SP CAMPAIGN increased to 60 seconds.


SP CAMPAIGN heroes recovery time upon death is up from 4 minutes to 15 minutes.


Interdictor now buildable by both factions in Skirmish, but limited to 1 per player.

Its abilities are too useful to be limited to only one faction.


Rebel Interdictor now has a unique description.


Skirmish mineral extractors now give 130 credits per tick instead of 200 credits per tick.


Repair vessels now introduced to both factions. Repairs all units with no hardpoints.


Starbases now have an increase of 25% firepower and 30% in hull strength.


Fighters and Bombers now last longer against Corellian Corvettes and Tartan Cruisers.


Proton Torpedo damage reduced (destroyed hard points too quickly).


Corvette class ships are now more easily targetable by Capital Ships.


Corvette class ships now have reduced shields but improved shield regeneration.


All Corvette class ships now have roughly the same speed at 2.50.


Anti-fighter corvettes now cost 1600/1650 to reflect their effectiveness.


All engines now tougher to destroy.


Fighter build time decreased across the board.


All capital ships now have the current number of hitpoints. Previously, health was tied

to hit point health, and was thus ridiculously low. All capital ships are now more

durable as a result.


Artillery ships now cost 1800 to build, have speed increased from 1.8 to 3.0, and have more health.

However, they deal much smaller damage, allowing fighters to escape, but fire faster


All skirmish buildable structures have improved health to compensate for the increased firepower.




Nebulon-B is said to have no real weaknesses. Thus, it has a limited ability to kill fighters with its

smaller laser cannons.



Torpedo Boat added to Rebels. Features a concentrated attack that takes a long time to recharge.


X-wing and A-wing changed. X-wing now more durable, while A-wing is

less durable, faster but has better damage.


X-wing rate of fire improved slightly.


X-wings now fire proton torpedoes (however, no shield penetration)


A-wing cost dropped from 675 to 500.


A-wings now fire concussion missiles (however, no shield penetration)


Y-wing cost dropped from 550 to 450.


Y-wings now feature 360 degree fire as e due to the mounted ion turret.


Corellian Gunship skirmish cost reduced to 1600 from 2150.


Corellian Gunship modified to fire missiles with a complete field of coverage.


Rebel corvettes afterburn time reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.


Assault Frigate MK2 skirmish cost reduced from 4200 to 3000.


Assault Frigate MK2 enhanced turbolasers now do noticeable damage.


Shield regeneration ability now recharges 3x faster instead of 10x faster,

and actually slows the Rate of Fire and speed as said in the tooltip. It never

actually did.




The Sundered Heart's speed is now only slightly faster than a normal corvette

rather than 2x faster.


Sundered Heart cost dropped from 3000 to 2300.


Millenium falcon damage reduced from 16 to 13.


Millenium falcon invulnerability reduced from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.


Luke Skywalker is now able to shoot down fighters. Previously he had difficulties.


Red Squadron overall health improved by 300.


Ion Cannon no longer fully drains Station's shields, and only reduces firing rate by 40%.

It used to drain 45000. L5 Station has 9000, Capital ships 2000. Now drains 3000.

Stun duration dropped from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.





The Acclamator's small laser cannons now have a decent chance of killing fighter units.


Carrack Cruiser added to Imperials. Mounted Ion cannon excellent at destroying shields.


TIE fighter rate of fire improved from 1.5 to 0.70.


TIE fighter minimum speed increased from 2.5 to 3.5.


TIE fighter manoeuvrability now on par with X-wing (in lore it's actually better).


TIE fighter cost dropped from 300 to 275.


TIE bomber cost dropped from 550 to 400.


TIE bombers now fire concussion missiles


Victory Class destroyer cost reduced from 4200 to 3500.


Victory Class destroyer's turbolasers now fire more shots per salvo.


Victory Class destroyer health now up from 3400/800 to 3600/1000.


Acclamator Class frigate health now up from 2000/600 to 3000/1000.


Acclamator Class frigate concussion missile and proton torpedo RoF now increased.


Imperial 'Power to Weapons' Ability now drains shields at a much reduced rate. Fixed

an issue where a ship had insufficient energy to fire, meaning that the ability was

still useless.


Interdictor cost reduced to 2000 and health increased from 400 hitpoints to 2000.




Slave 1's Harmonic bomb reduced from 600 range / 300 damage to 390 range / 85 damage. For comparison,

X-wing has 90 health, A-wing 70 health and Y-wing 110 health.


Slave 1 now better at shooting down fighters.


Slave 1 Seismic charge recharge up from 20 to 58 seconds, and delay from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds.


Darth Vader is now better at shooting down fighters (and corvettes as well).


Admiral Piett's ISD's proton beam duration from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. Recharge timer from 120 to 60.


Hypervelocity gun damage per projectile from 300 to 250 to 350 to compensate for higher capital ship health.

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Still working on ground changes, feedback from anyone who downloaded it?


Generally i like this mod, i alwayse felt space battles were a bit too short and it is a bit more fun to see a larger number of figther flying around fighting each other.


One thing i would change though are the fighters, adding them to the rebel ships (nebulon b and mon cal) had just made it far too easy to play then. If you just dont produce any fighters at all and simply rely on the garrisoned units you will have way more firepower than the empire. Its also just too easy when use the y-wing Ion shot correctly (expecially now they shoot from a 360 degree turrent).


I would HIGHLY reccomend Increasing the unit cap usage of the nebulon-b and the Mon cal to reflect the increased power from the fighters. You cant just modify the costs of the ships, you still have to think about the max number of units each side can have on the field. Left the way it is the rebels just have too much power on the field.

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