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Intrested in changing space object sizes? (Aswer/Idea)

Master Nikolaos

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I don't know wether someone has found this before, but there are prop files(XML) which allow you to change the size of objects in land/space and the galactic map. I found out because I was thinking it would be cool to have planets be a large background for space battles like in Episode III instead of just spheres hanging out behind the main action.


There is one problem though. The planets can be scaled up to be enourmous in the background, but because they are actual models, they occupy layer space as well(all units have a layer they use which is different, from Capital ships, to asteroids, to fighter so they don't overlap each other). I think there's a solution to that though. My theory is that most of the upper layers in a map(be it space) are unused so that the player can zoom out to a maximum distance. One could take the units though and change the layer they occupy, making a large planet in the background and no overlaping planets and other props a possibility.


The second problem would be a little thoughter to fix. We would have to find a way for the scroll out distances to be reworked(I think if the layers of units are changed, the maximum zoom will be affected, however, one could make sacrafices and eliminate the 3 zoom option or in other words the last possible otu zoom). Also, there would need to be adjustments to the detail level of units displayed at farther zoom.


If anyone is instrested in this, please reply so I can show you the way to change space prop sizes.

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Although, personally, I'm happy with the size of the planets, I thought I'd point out a few potentially useful things to you.


Firstly, the camera zoom is easily fixed. Take a look at TACTICALCAMERAS.XML. It's pretty self-explanatory.


Secondly, although I haven't messed with it, every ship has a <Layer_Z_Adjust> line in its XML file. This seems to be the distance that the ship is offset from its assigned layer. Adding a set amount to every ship (like, increasing every number by 100 or something) should effectively move everything up.


I've been thinking of messing with that, myself, since it seems that the fighters are at level "zero", and everything else is sunk lower. I'd rather the capital ships be at zero, and the fighters to be up in your face.


Good luck!

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