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Yay, Canada!

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest garyah99

Sorry about the previous rant. This is a subject that is VERY sensitive. Our wonderful federal cabinet ministers just introduced a bill in parliament today, which will be voted on Thursday afternoon, which makes it one of the fastest readings in history. This bill will give themselves a 22% pay raise. An MP will make about $125,000 per year, a cabinet minister about $190,000 and the Prime Crook (erpps, I mean Minister), will take home $262,000. In addition, they will benefit from tax breaks, and increased pension benefits. It should also be noted that to collect this pay, they have to spend somewhere around 60 days a year doing their job, and after 4 years in office, they can collect their pensions. Not bad eh?? The rest of Canadians can suck mud as far as our "Leaders" are concerned. That's why this Gas thing ticks me off so much. They can line their own pockets quicker than spit, but when it comes to protecting the Canadian people, it's not an option. BTW, if they can have price caps for sports teams, they can sure as heck integrate them into essential services. on the news today Jerry Rice was released from the 49er's because of salary caps. Also, there are laws in place to limit prices in other areas; for example, landlords are limited to raising rent by a maximum of 6% ANNUALLY, and if the telephone and cable companies want to raise their rates, they must apply to the CRTC and justify, in writing, and formally, why a price increase is warranted. It seems to be only Oil comapnies and Banks that can do what they want, when they want, and to whomever they want. Who the he11 runs this country anyway??? (sorry for the second rant, you may now return to your regularly scheduled programming wink.gif)

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