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EAW Editor v2.0.0.2915 Available


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O.K., I've changed some things up since the last 'preview' that I put out there. This one is more of a full fledged version hence the new... version.


You can download it at http://www.wiredalliance.com/eawfiles/eaweditor.zip


Also you can check out the home page at:



Here's what we are able to do so far...


- Extract from .meg files.

- Add and remove factions from the global filter

- Add and remove properties and default values from the filter

- Mod a file based on the filter

- Mod an entire directory of files based on the filter

- Edit ground infantry units properties and abilities


Basically the new modding stuff works like this. You pick a bunch of common values that you want to mod across a file or files. Properties such as MAX_SPEED, POPULATION, etc. Then you assign all of those properties a default value that you'd like to apply across all of the units found. After that you just mod the file or folder using the EAW Editor and BAM! All of your units will be updated.


This is especially helpful when you want to create a mod that will increase all of the health of a given faction or speed, etc., etc.


For more granular editing of units I'll have a form for each type of unit. Right now I have the Ground Infantry units as a test. If that works out then I'll add the rest of the types in upcoming releases.


Additionally the global filter can be used to ... "filter" the properties that you see when editing individual unit types. If you want to use the filter to filtering but not for modding simply leave its value blank and it will be ignored when the modding occurs. So for example you want MAX_SPEED to be one of the properties that you see when editing a ground infantry unit but you don't want to update it when modding. Simply leave the default value blank in the filter...


Please post any questions or concerns here. Again, this is a very very early version so please be kind.



Provided enhanced support for editing and modifying unit abilities as well as properties.

Added a "Filter" button to turn the unit filter on and off when editing units.

Added the ability to mod an entire file or a directory of files based on the global filter

Added a form for managing the filters themselves

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good tool for the begginers and such but i found it complicated to find what you wanted and didnt include everything but it is only in alpha stage and great effort! im sure someone will disagree with me and find it amazing.

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i just tried to edit the xml the old fashioned way and the files i extracted with the program made all the units 999 speed and turning and also removed the shields on every ship! i will place a link to a little video clip of what im talkin about.


clip 1



i will post the second one tomorrow still trying to put it into .RAR

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Hey everyone, I wanted to add a few things here:


1.) The Global Update Filter that's included with the distribution is only an example. The properties and values found in the initial filter are completely arbitrary. You are meant to add your own values and properties via the screen provided in the application itself.


2.) If you want to include a property in the filter but not have it mod any files simply set the Default_Vale to nothing "".


3.) Once I get the rest of the unit types added for ground, space, and heros I will focus on making the UI more user friendly and then try to provide as much documentation as possible on existing features before moving on to others.


That's it for now. The next release should have screens for all of the other unit types and a bit more in the way of documentation. In the mean time I like to know if anyone has been successful with the extracting feature or how things are working in term of using the modding features (file and folder).


Also, please keep in mind that even though I'm a developer by trade I spend the majority of my day (and sometimes night) developing medical software for the MAN so bear with me as I progress with this...

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so will it look like this: a tab for space units, ground units, buildings, unique units, and skirmish stuff? and if you would be so kind to add the build cost and build time for both galactic conquest and skirmish. it would be the ultimate tool for EAW if almost every thing was available to mod through the tool. great job so far

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so will it look like this: a tab for space units, ground units, buildings, unique units, and skirmish stuff? and if you would be so kind to add the build cost and build time for both galactic conquest and skirmish. it would be the ultimate tool for EAW if almost every thing was available to mod through the tool. great job so far


Yep, that pretty much sums it up in terms of layout.


As for the build cost and build time. There are two ways to approach this.


1.) You can click the "Unfilter Button" while editing your units to turn off the Global Update Filter. You will then see all of the properties for every unit.


2.) You can add those properties to the Global Update Filter under the Mod File/Folder screen. The properties displayed while editing units are controlled through the GlobalUpdateFilter.xml file which can be managed from the application itself or by directly editing the XML file.


Hope this helps...

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