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Tip of the Day: Fun with Color


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The line,

<No_Colorization_Color> 255, 255, 255, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>

can be fun to mess with.


The first three numbers are the RGB value, the last is the transparency, with 255 being opaque.


Here are some interesting uses for Galactic Conquest mode:


* To make all of Red Squadron's markings red, instead of the standard orange:


search for:

<UniqueUnit Name="Luke_XWing">


<UniqueUnit Name="Wedge_XWing">

Add the line:

<No_Colorization_Color> 196, 37, 15, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>

to both.


* To make Y-wing squadron markings gold:


search for:

<SpaceUnit Name="Y-Wing">

Add the line:

<No_Colorization_Color> 245, 172, 37, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>


* To give the Millennium Falcon proper orange markings (Although they aren't in exactly the right place, it still looks better than solid white, to me.)


search for:

<UniqueUnit Name="Millennium_Falcon">

Remove the line (or comment it out):

<No_Colorization_Color> 255, 255, 255, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>


* To give Piet's SD subtle dark-grey markings:


search for:

<UniqueUnit Name="Accuser_Star_Destroyer">

Add the line:

<No_Colorization_Color> 190, 200, 190, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>


The same could be done for Veers's AT-AT.


These colors will NOT show up in multiplayer, since they'll be overridden by the team colors. Team colors can be edited too, though, so if you think that the standard green is horribly tacky, or wish the Imperials could choose a basic grey, then you can change those.



search for: <MP_Color_Blue>

There's a list of all the color slots for multiplayer teams. Set them to what you like.


A graphics program that lets you see colors by 0-255 RGB value can be very helpful for finding the right numbers.


Keep in mind that if you play online, your opponent won't see these color changes, but at least it'll look nice to you.


Have fun!

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