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Mara Jade & Kyle Katarn in GC???


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First I'd like to state that I've looked through all the threads pertaining to this topic and haven't found a solution yet. There are several threads pertaining to enabling the moldy crow, creating mara jade's headhunter and even adding the virago...and plenty of posts concerning enabling katarn/jade (with and without their ships) to the campaigns, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to enable the characters in galactic conquest mode.


I don't want their starfighters, I just want to be able to spawn them at a tech level of my designation and move them around in the galactic mode (like obi-wan or the emperor) for their use in ground battles. I haven't looked too much at the info for katarn but I noticed in the NamedHeroUnits XML that mara has some similar abilities as Boba Fett (like assassinating heros and minor spying) that I want to take advantage of.


I've already played around with a bunch of XML editing and done quite a bit of personal modding to my game (thanks to the forums for helping me learn!) and so far this is the only thing I haven't been able to figure out. Just point me to the XML file and what I need to change/add and I can figure out the rest! Thanks!


Sidenote: They do both work in land skirmishes which was coded with game when I bought it....tis part of the reason I'm so confused as to why I can't get them to work in GC when I've gotten everything else to work fine (I've added the venator, v-wing and swamp speeder to all 3 modes on my own).

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Every galactic conquest map has an associated file called STORY_SANDBOX_XY_REBEL.XML (respectively STORY_SANDBOX_XY_EMPIRE.XML) which defines in which tech era the different heroes spawn. XY is the specific number of the map which you can find in the CAMPAIGNS_SINGLEPLAYER.XML file (i.e. Galactic Conflict has the '44' - so it would be STORY_SANDBOX_44_REBEL.XML). Look into the file, it's pretty self explanatory I think. If you still need help, ask again and I (or someone else) will surely explain the rest too ;)

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Every galactic conquest map has an associated file called STORY_SANDBOX_XY_REBEL.XML (respectively STORY_SANDBOX_XY_EMPIRE.XML) which defines in which tech era the different heroes spawn. XY is the specific number of the map which you can find in the CAMPAIGNS_SINGLEPLAYER.XML file (i.e. Galactic Conflict has the '44' - so it would be STORY_SANDBOX_44_REBEL.XML). Look into the file, it's pretty self explanatory I think. If you still need help, ask again and I (or someone else) will surely explain the rest too ;)



Thanks I appreciate it! Actually I was searching through the XML files and figured out that the singplayer campaigns XML was actually for the GC and not the main campaign itself...I don't know why I didn't realize that before and I ended up figuring it out before I even checked the forum for responses. In hindsight I think other threads sort of explained it but it wasn't exactly the way you explained it (or I found it) and they weren't really clear about things. I appreciate the response and the help....


Now I get to try working on enabling other things...I know I could go find a mod but it's more fulfilling to do it oneself! Oh and I noticed that there is a default Story AI shared by all the GC for the opposing faction....potentially all rebel heros could be eliminated when playing the empire and vice versa in GC just with a little editing....perhaps replacing them with some basic troopers, but that'd make the game too easy...just putting the info out there for anyone else though

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