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Star Wars Mini Series


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This is no doubt old news to many you and apologies if that is the case and likewise if this is the wrong place to post this, but... today's Daily Mirror says GL has confirmed he will be doing a mini series set between III and IV focusing on old Mr Vader, anyone know any more?

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The mini series must be the live action one then...

I got the impression that it was supposed to be a full fledge real series (or maybe this just means there will be a mini series pilot "movie" like with Battlestar Galactica?), and the "mini series" was going to be a CG "remake" of the Clone Wars "microseries" (which ended up being like 2 hours long all put together).


Do you have the actual link to the article?

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The series isnt about vader but whole new characters.


"First up, the Stars Wars TV series that we’ve been hearing about since Sith came out. “That’s not going to happen probably for another year and a half while we develop scripts and everything else. But it’s fantastic; we’ve got some incredible writers. It’s going to be much darker, much more character-based, and I think it’s going to be everything the fans always wanted the prequels to be. They’ll be one-hour episode. It takes place between Episodes III and IV. It’s going to be all-new characters, maybe a few bounty hunters in there to start the series off." - Rick McCallum

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