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RSS Expansion


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Hey guys this is Cox from the Imperial Security Squadron or ISS.


We are planning on expanding our squad to the other side of the Force. As you know our squadron currently Imperial based, and some of are members feel like we need a sister side of the squad and some would like to join it.


So we plan to expand ourselves to the RSS or Rebel Squadron in hopes to satisfty are members and possible future members. You can visit our site at


http://www.iss-hq.net and click on RSS Site.


The way the sister clan will work is the ISS Command is in full control but RSS will over time be able to conduct affairs themselves.


Currently we are looking for members to start off. Ranks and such will be based on skill and just come by the forum so we could get something going.

Thus are experiment....



Thanks :duel:


NOTE: Site is still abit under construction!

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