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Hardpoint question: Creating optional hardpoints..?


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The thing I've been looking for in other mods, and what I've been trying to find in the xml files is the ability to have "Non-essential" hardpoints..


Is there any way to have the laser turret hardpoints non-essential to the ship?


My vision is this:

Have the laser turret hardpoints, hanger, and engines optional to destroy and the only way to bring down a capitol ship/frigate would be to target the "body" of the ship.


Is this possible? Or is the hardpoint system (Every hardpoint must be destroyed) hardcoded into the game?


Comments welcome. Thanks.

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What You Speak of but only 1 way to do is You can make it that Turrets are not visable like if you look at Tartan or Coreillian Gunship *In my opinion Engine IS ESSENTIAL*


I know what you mean, but I was thinking of having them destructable.


I tried making them destructable but not visible. That just lead to invincible cruisers, because they required the cruiser's hardpoints to be destroyed.


Is there really no way to make the turret hardpoint Health seperate from the ship health?


And what I meant was that destroying the engines just slows ships to a crawl, I didn't mean for them to have no value :) I was just throwing out an example.

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This probably isn't much help, really, but I just know I've seen a mod discussed on this forum that claims to do just what you want. "Basing ship life on the ship's 'hit points', not on those of the individual hardpoints."


Unfortunately, there are a lot of mods that get discussed here, and they all kind of blend together for me, ^_^ so I can't tell you which one it was.


Have you tried the obvious experiments, like setting the hardpoint hit points to 0 or -1?


Just don't give up hope. I'm pretty sure it's doable.

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I think when you add a new hardpoint, say at the attachment bone of the tractor beam of the Star Destroyer (to be somewhere in the middle of the ship), and make it not targetable but destroyable and give it the hitpoints you want for your hull. I've tried this and it worked... I did however take it out again because you tend to end up with lots of ships which have their hardpoints destroyed but still floating around. While this might sound cool you have alot of useless junk flying around ;)



Edit: This hardpoint should have a good health though because when you destroy it the whole ship is destroyed, no matter how much health the hardpoinst had when the hull was destroyed (so it's pretty much the easiest way to kill a ship).

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