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i have some questions


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I do not even own this game im thinking about buying it but i need to know more about it



if i master two different professions can i use both there skills like if i master teris kasi and rifleman can i use those skills as a bounty hunter


and i also heard they added and expansion where you can fly ships. Can you buy your own ship? and can you add more powerfull weapons to it or put parts in to make it faster? Can you learn how to build ships?


And if you can buy your own ship can you have more than one?


also dose any one know if they have the broomhandle mauser type handgun that han solo had in star wars


you know basicly this but with a scope




i highly dought they made this gun as good in the game as in real life

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i have america on crap opps i mean america online and it takes so long to download things i dont even bother any more


if you can buy your own ship or have it custemised i would seriously consider geting the game. ofcorse i would swich my internet provider. the way the price is for netzero? or was it netscape? is im suprised anyone has aoc and aol just rasied the price a couple months ago now broadband from some companys is cheaper!


I think they should let you board a star destroyer lol! and if you get to the control room you can take the ship over. yea right lol!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ignore the free 10 day trial. It is extremely mis-leading in terms of what Galaxies is really like. Theres no question that the trial on board the space station is fun, exciting and welcomes you into the game controls well. However, once you leave the comfort of the spacem station (ie, when you hve to pay to play) you enter a world of bugs, lack of content, and a world crying out for players.


You can buy/trade parts for your ship(s) providing that is, you can find someone who actually makes parts or makes anything anymore.


PS: You will have to download the updates, which can take anything upto 4 hours, depending on your connection



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Look, broomhandle, if you like star wars and you want to live in the star wars world, I would suggest you find a roleplay guild or something quick so they can help you lvl. Galaxies is not as dark as DMUK says. It was MUCH better before NGE, but the game is not dead now, and there are still RP'ing and PVP'ing going on many places. If you wish to play some alternative Star Wars RP, you could join my Clone Trooper guild.


PM me for details :)

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well thank you for the invatation hugomand. I have to save up first plus i want to check out final fantasy 11. Both you and darth maul uk have been very helpfull


from everyones posts it sounds like theres a bunch of chimps in charge of swg.


I was interested in becomeing a rifleman [i LOVE SNIPEING] and i wanted to beable to use teris kasi hand to hand technics. also i was wondering if your a rifleman do you get a sidearm. im asking because a real sniper would never be caught without a sidearm


also if the han solo broomhandle mauser is in the game i wonder what range it has.


if it dose not go to 1000 yards its not as good as the real thing that was invented over 100 years ago 1896 i belive. however unless you can steady your hands extremly well you need the detachable stock to hit that far acuratly. The standard wood holster for the broomhandle doubles as a stock.


now you know why i took this name

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Guest DarthMaulUK


I was interested in becomeing a rifleman [i LOVE SNIPEING] and i wanted to beable to use teris kasi hand to hand technics.


TKM has been removed from the game, Jedi is now the only Melee and they suck. I used to be Master BH, Master rifle with a hint of Medic thrown in and loved sniping Jedi. I used to cloak up and wait and wait for my bounty to appear..then bam!


Of course, SOE had to change all that because it was too much fun and I did love chasing Jedi, fighting them with crowds watching the battle...but thats in the past.


The game only has 9 professions now and they are almost identical! Apart from Jedi.



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i don't think ill be joining then unless they bring back more professions


by the way what happened to the people who were teris kasi masters


if i was one and had to start over i would threaten a lawsuit for the money i put into the game to level my charictor up


If enough people threatend to do that they would probably stop


as long as some people still play they will make some money however if they were threatened with a lawsuit [whether or not they would lose] the mere threat of them being sued by that many people would most likely get there hands out of there @$#


even if they won if every case were tryed seperately at the same time it would cost them a arm and a leg in lawyers fees if alot of people did this


And you do not need a lawyer to sue someone you can reresent yourself or get a friend to be your legal representitive [if you think you mite freez up]


mental anguish may be something you can threaten to sue them for along with the money you wasted leveling up a profesion that they got rid of


if any of you have lawyer friends ask them to write a letter


this may or may not get them to bring some professions back


you will not be able to win with mental anguish enless the judge used to play swg though




i have seen schools change their poloices at the mere threat of a lawsuit that they could not posably lose.

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