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TSL scripting question

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I'm not sure if the script I'm looking for actually exists, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask...


I understand that there are scripts in TSL that give the character a specified amount of Lightside, or Darkside points, but is there a script that actually sets the main pc's ls/ds spectrum to a specific number?


What I mean is; is it possible to create a script that can automatically set a character's afilliation to, let's say 100 (lightside mastery) or 0 (ds mastery) or even 50 (neutral)?



and if this can in fact be done, could someone show me how to do it?


Thanks in advance, any help with this is much appreciated. :)

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I understand that there are scripts in TSL that give the character a specified amount of Lightside, or Darkside points, but is there a script that actually sets the main pc's ls/ds spectrum to a specific number?


You can use the SetGoodEvilValue() function for this. The first parameter is the creature object to modify the alignment of, and the second is the alignment value, 0-100, to set.


For example...

SetGoodEvilValue(OBJECT_SELF, 100);

...would give the creature running the script lightside mastery.

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