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[TSL] Continue Playing After You Own Darth Traya

Darth Hansen

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The title says it all!!! To continue playing after the whole storyline would be awesome cause I feel i dont get to really do alot of stuff during the storyline gameplay. I want to be able to play pazaak and stuff afterwards AND OWN SOME LEFTOVER NOOB NPC's!!!! If anybody will make this mod or somebody has already made this mod PLEASE TELL ME CAUSE I WANT TO PLAY LONGER LIKE IN FABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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*snip* Removed this part of post because above spam post has been deleted. ;) -RH


The only problem I would see with a mod like this is plotline issues... who knows what going back to dantoine, or any other planet after you beat the game could mean... possibly the idea of playing the ending over continually, each time kicking the crap out of kreia faster and faster... Idk, seems to me like it would just break the whole story, but I'm a stickler for a cohesive story :\



anyway, good luck to you with this, wish I could help, but I'm by no means a good scripter... I'm not even in the same zip code as 'good'...

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