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Kiragons Theed door problem


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Hi guys,


Im having a slight problem with my doors that im making. I've made my doors which are made of 2 moving bits for the left and 2 for the right like this:











| |

| |

| |

| |

| Trigger's Here |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |


The "@" represents one part that moves to the left at a speed of 10 and "&" represents the second part that moves to the left at a speed of 30.


The right hand side is the same just rotated to move to the right. All moving parts have the value "team" and the "key 'hangerdoor1' ". The problem i am having is that that anywhere in front of the door the player activates the door and opens at an incredable speed, won't close until i move out of the doors path. The area in which the player stands to open the trigger is represented by "|"


The door does close correctly it's just the opening stage that doesn't work.


I have tryed explain this the best i can let me know if you need any more info, i was thinking that there might be a closing speed and opening speed but im not sure.



Thanks Kiragon



P.S. Here is a link to a picture of what im talking about to better describe it.




You will have to copy/paste this link

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To make it close even if a player is standing in the path of the door you need to check the crusher box in the doors entity window. You will have to do that for each of the 4 parts of the door.



As for the speed I am not sure what is wrong. a speed of 10 and 30 is VERY slow. I find anywhere between 70 and 100 works good in most cases for doors, so it seems strange that the doors would open so fast. Have you tried the door without the trigger? Doors do not require a trigger to target them in order to open. So if you try it without the trigger and you still get the problem then at least you know the trigger works right and it is something to do with the door entities themselves (which it most likely is anyway).


Your sure you set the key/value for the door speeds as:

Key: speed

Value: 10




And are you using a linear switch or not? I doubt that would really affec it in the way your describing, but who knows, it might do wierd stuff sometimes.

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I had already tryed the doors without a trigger as that was a backup for the doors not working in the first place. No linear switch.


I deleted all of the entities started again and it worked but i had to make the left side one team function and the right another then link the left with the right via Ctrl-K. Everything was correct it just seemed i had the problem when the left and right doors were linked by team. Unsure i will try once more and see if it works.


Another problem i add:


Key: soundset

Value: door_huge_move_lp


And when i try to load the game i get "No soundsets found for '1' " and stops trying to load the game.




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