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Whats new at the Wild Jedi Server


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/connect jka.WildJedi.com


New Rotation:

  • Capture The Flag (CTF4)
  • Jedi Master (FFA4)
  • Capture The Flag (CTF1)
  • Free For All (FFA1)
  • Capture The Flag (CTf3)
  • Free For All (FFA5)
  • Capture The Flag (CTF2)
  • Jedi Master (FFA3)


Thanks to OJP for Jedi Master Support.


Server Settings:

- Flipkick: ON

- SP Style 2 Hand Lightning When Saber(s) holstered: ON

- Duel Taunts for all Gametypes: ON

- Saber Damage Scale: 2

- Melee Options: Kick, and normal special combos enabled.

- Droppable Flags: ON (use /dropflag or bind it to a key)

- Capture Replenish: ON (refills health and force to 100 and shield to 25 on cap)

- Fall Fade Time: 0

- Keep Scores on Team Change: ON

- Absorb and Protect at Same Time: OFF

- Private Messaging using /msg [slot#|partial name] [message] in console or chat box

- Ignore Players with /ignore [slot#|partial name] (stays across maps)

- Unignore Players with /unignore [slot#| partial name] (stays across maps)

- Unlagged Server: ON (For best performance make sure your rate, cl_maxpackets, and cl_timenudge are set accordingly)

- CTF Maps have Locations in them

- You can team say with other non-jms as long as there is a jm

- CTF4 Health Packs: ON

- CTF3 Fix for Wrong Color Spawn near upper part of base: ON

- Kill Tracker Advertisements on First Spawn are: OFF

- HTTP Downloading: ON (with client)

- Allow changing of saber without respawn using /changeSaber [blade1] [blade2]: ON

- Vote Limit Per Player: 2

- A vote caller may not switch teams until it passes or fails to fix auto pass bug.

- A vote caller who disconnects or reconnects will cause vote to auto fail to fix auto pass bug.


Chat Tokens:

  • $h - Your Health
  • $a - Your Armor/Shield
  • $g - Your Current Weapon's Ammo
  • $n - Your Name
  • $r - Reader's Name
  • $f - Your Force Power Left
  • $s - Your Force Side (Dark/Light)
  • $l - Your Current Location if any avail.
  • $d - Your Last Death Location if any avail.
  • $c - Your Team Color
  • $t - Your Team Name
  • $e - Your Enemy Team Color
  • $w - Your Current Weapon
  • $$ - Use this if u want to print a $


More to come in the future including a client for the mod... stay tuned.

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