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umm Making Pieces move ..sorta..


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Ok heres the deal, i havent mapped in a bit so i wanna make one this summer. And im trying to figure a way out that i can give the player an option to move a piece right or left. Would that require scripting or do yall think thats possible....? ...actually its more like diagnol rt of left.




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you need to make the piece that will move into a func_static with an origin brush, then give it the key/value script_targetname/whatever. next you need to place two tag_refs in the places you want it to move to, give them targetnames of left/right or something like that.

then you need to make two scripts, 1 for one moving it each way. each script will look like this:

affect ( whatever, FLUSH )

move ( tag( "left", ORIGIN ), time taken to get there )


then as long as you have two buttons, or two triggers (one for each of the directions) it should work

email me if you have any problems, j@higgs0029.freeserve.co.uk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you mean like moving a block or an item back and forth? If you want that, just use a func_door and trigger it in any way you want (force, playeruse, etc). If you want it to move to more than 2 locations, I think you'd need to use func_static like Dark said.

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