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Uma Thurman

lord ignarn

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Hello, I´d like to ask for a reskin, as you will have discovered by the title I´d like someone to do a skin of Uma Thurman as seen in Kill Bill volume 1 for either K1 or K2, or for both. You will find her here, if you don´t know waht I mean:




I believe that there is a female PC skin with long hair, so it should fit.


I hope someone takes it! Thanks in advance.


Edit: What´s the matter?


You don´t like the idea, then you could say it at least. Please, answer me something!!! I don´t mind if it´s good or bad.


lord ignarn, please refrain from 'bumping' topics, especially here in the Requests Forum. Thanks. I have combined your 'bump' post with your original one, sorry that no one has replied to your mod idea but that happens. -RH

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