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Mac Builds


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You need access to a mac in order to make a mac build. If you do have access to one, you'll need the Apple Developer Tools really for compiling.


If not, I'd be happy to do a mac compile of your ClanMod, but I'm rather busy with exams this week, so it would have to wait until at least the weekend.

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Just an ideia to this discussion but you can emulate the mac os using vmware, for example. Then you have a "mac" on your pc xD


yes but how would you get it on your pc from there, most utilities you cant copy/paste especially if the vmware isnt emulating windows. suppose you could setup an ftp though.

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Has anyone got this error before. You type in /forcepowers (1-any #) and itll be fine, but when you type in /set forcepowers (1-any #) it crashes server? How would I fix that ensiform? Your a genious at fixing crashes and glitches.

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about vmware you can create a shared folder with windows/linux, you just need to install vmware tools. But about the performance when the vm tools are installed it gets better but It will always suck :s.

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get a ftp and get yourself a copy of ubuntu or kubuntu and run a live cd then make sure u got gcc. download ur mod from ftp. make the .so, upload the .so. for linux anyway you could do that instead of running vmlame. if u have an intel mac you can run ubuntu at least on an intel mac.

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Ok I fully tested the crashing command.


Join a server.


First I made a script that says

set forcepowers 1


Saved it in a config file



Typed this in console

/exec crash


Quickly join spectator. Boom crashes.


I tried this on several mods, some public servers, some on my local computer.


OJP (all versions) <--- public and local

Clan Mod (all versions) <---- public and local

Xmod (all versions) <--- public test, not local

JAE (all versions) <--- public test, not local

MakerMod <--- public test, not local


JA+ <--- immune, wont work

LugorMod <--- immune, wont work



It doesn't crash me out, just gives the server an error and poof, stops working. If anyone knows how to fix it, that would be the best. Till then, its going to be a huge exploit probobly. No other mods can run except those two on jk3 safely.




NOTE: I did some build testing and found a temporary solution. If I build in DEBUG it'll be fine. If I build in Final or Release, this exploit will work.

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the reason is its expecting specific data in the cvar and i think it is only crashing you (the client who executes it) so no worries.


cvar example: set forcepowers "7-1-333000000330003330"


correct me if im wrong but the 7 is max force rank ( jedi master )


and the 1 is force side and here 1 is light and 2 is dark.


then the rest is all the force values, dont try and do anything cute and set them all to 3 cuz im pretty sure that wont work.

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crashing you (the client who executes it) so no worries.


Wow, I wish it was. I tested it on xmod public servers. All versions, crashed every single one. Yeah, I know, thats an attack on peoples servers, but I think it was for the best. I used All Seeing Eye to see what mods were up and tested it on those mods. Public means I went to someone elses servers and tested it and ended up crashing them.


The only way to crash is to go inside their server, went into my buddy Necrom's server, told him, "wanna see me crash this server?" response - "Yes. Go ahead, crash it." Boom crashed, 3 seconds later he contacts me on MSN saying HOW DID YOU DO THAT!


I'm serious man, its a server thing. It gives JAMPDED an error and closes the server automatically. If you build in debug for some reason this exploit wont work. JA+ and Lugormod wont work on. I asked the author of Lugormod what he builds in, and sure enough he answered DEBUG. That's the only way to fix it that I know of.


RazorAce thinks I should check out the #ifdef DEBUG code tags.

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