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Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Some of you might remember the story I told a while ago about the Chest-of-draws that moved all on its own. Anyway I just found out something even freakier.


Before me and my sister where born my Parents where on holiday. They decided to go for a country drive. So at 10 o'clock they got in the car and just drove (we are a strange family). So they are driving down a country lane in the middle of no-where and suddenly they see this sort of ethereal women (twentysomething) just standing by the side of the road. They were both quite scared anyway my Mum looked back and my dad looked in the car mirrors and neither of them could see a thing behind them, she had totally disappeared.


Story Number two:


A friend of my mums was driving quite late a night down the motorway, she was midway between to very far apart junctions and suddenly her car engine started smoking. So she pulls into the Hard Shoulder (side bit for when your car breaks down) and suddenly sees a man in front of her, with his van behind him. Anyway, this man doesnt look wierd in anyway. She also described having a feeling that he was friendly. Anyway she gets out the car and he offers to fix her car. She agrees and he goes gets his tools spends 15 mins working on the car and then declares it fixed. She gets back in saying thankyou and drives off, she also looked behind her and again whatever he/it was had disappeared.


Story Three (Chest of draws story for those of you that have bad memeories):


Its a Sunday lunch time and Im in my kitchen talking to my dad, everyone else except one of my dogs is in the front room. The only living being upstairs was my dog (Chizel) anyway, we all suddenly hear this crashing sound and I race upstairs as chizel goes running downstairs really scared, anyway all that is different when we get up there is that a chest-of-draws has been moved 90 degress to block off a doorway into a bed room. We tried just pushing it and all the happens then is that it gets knocked over, so the dog couldnt of done it, somebody or something had to have moved it and then had to have been able to grab. (the other question is why, it didnt scare us or anything)


Personelly I believe that these are all Gods work and for some reason he saw the need to do it. (story two is quite easy to imagine him in). Anyway whatever they are, there is something about my family that attracts wierd things.



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

my Mum looked back and my dad looked in the car mirrors and neither of them could see a thing behind them, she had totally disappeared.


Your parents commited a Hit and Run !!!

<font size=1>




[This message has been edited by Jem (edited December 02, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Yeah i got a really freaky family.



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

i like the part where he explains the concept of the hard shoulder.


Some people may not know the term (plus, I've seen some roads without hard shoulders).


My family's depressingly normal. They're all fairly conservative teachers, retired farm workers (huge generation gap, long story). They're all extremely pious members of the religious community, and most of them help at church and pray at every meal, and never say anything bad about anyone ever. . .


Then there's my cousin, the one Goth. :eyeraise:


<small>She's the only one I have any fondness for.</small>

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