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NPC quantity limitation in JA


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So the problem is: I added some new models to the game, and made some new npcs (well, not some but about 80-100 new ones). And everything seems to be ok. All new npcs work just fine, but the problem is with the old ones - they dissappeared! I mean, when in console I print npc spawn stormtrooper, it says there is no such one. The same thing with saboteur, rodians and some others. Some old vehicles vanished as well, though I didn't add any new ones, but all the swoops now unavailable.

When I removed all new npcs, the old ones appeared again.


I can't understand: in JO there was a message if I had too many npcs, but here in JA it remains silent so to say :) So what should I do? Or at least is there a way to determine how many npcs can I have at one time? It also strange that the game decided to get rid of the ones that I used, but didn't remove the ones that I don't touch and never use in my maps.


I put all npc files into a special extdata.pk3 that I made for the new and old npcs. So all files are included but the game just won't read them.

P.S. Not all of the stormtroopers disappeared - rockettrooper still works for example.

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The message in Outcast isn't included in JA because Raven is LAAAZZYYY!!!


There's a certain limitation to everything in base JA *mutters* stupid Ravensoft... Like how many bots you can have in multiplayer, I had like right next to the maximum amount and everything had no conflicts, I add one single bot... BASE JA BOTS IMPLODE!


get my point? Anyway... If you do get it, good for you, don't, *get's out a shotgun* I'll have to use extreme measures...


Hint of proof:Find as many more vehicle files on the web or make more and include them in base, see the slothyness of Raven exposed in this "VEHICLE OVERLOAD MESSAGE", be sure to keep the extveh file in track or you'll have that "VEHICLE OVERLOAD MESSAGE" a loooong time...


My advice: Don't include so many npcs, keep max to like ten or so at a time like up above this paragraph, the max is 10-16 as some people say, for extra vehicles in base jedi academy.

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As far as I remember JO could have more npcs at one time. So I could add about 60-80 npcs and there were no problems. When a problem appeared - the game send me a message so to say... But in JA I still can add npcs, and they will work just fine. The problem is not that I can't add more, but that the old ones dissappeared. Though I know that is because I have too many new ones...

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