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TSL: Luke Skywalker Mod


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I was thinking about a mod that would give you a selectable Luke Skywalker PC with special force powers, feats, lightsaber, robes, gloves and more all modeled after him in the Yuuzhan Vong era.


Force Power Examples:

- Force Repulse: A high level force power, generaly a stronger force wave

- Force Meld: Draining force pool points from nearby party members there stats would get increased with alot of points

- Force Light: It would temporaraly weaken dark siders

- Electric Judgment: A green force lightning that should be learned only by Jedi Masters of a very high level, it would do alot of damage

- Jar'Kai Style: Adds certain stat bonuses when using 2 lightsabers


Jedi Grandmasterrobe: robes modeled after the robes Luke used in his fight against Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane.

Jedi Grandmaster gloves: Gives bonuses to blasterbolt deflection, strenght, force resist and will

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