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Editing the number of fighters per squadron (Squadrons.XML)


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Hi Guys.


I'd like to increase the number of fighters per squadron within the game.


As I understand, I would need to edit both the Squadrons.XML, and the SpaceUnitsFighters.XML files. Primarily the Squadrons.XML file.


I have attempted this and failed (game crash). I restored the original information and am ready to begin anew.


Here is the text for the B-wing within the Squadrons.XML file that I had assumed was primarily applicable:


<Squadron_Units>B-Wing, B-Wing, B-Wing</Squadron_Units>





Please advise me on how I need to edit the information in order to have a squadron of 5 B-wings. I would greatly appreciate it.


FYI: The format you provide me will be used to edit the other squadrons in-game, as well.


PS. I do understand where to reflect the changed number of fighters per squadron within both files.

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Just add some more B-Wing entries and coords like is listed(3 is more than enough, but that is your choice :) ). However, I found that you need to add a container package as well. Just use the Y-Wing container as a base.

Thanks so very much for responding.


Could you please elaborate a little on your instructions? what do you mean by a 'container package'? I am most confused on the 'Squadron_Offsets' section of the text. What does it indicate? Fighter spacing, formation, etc.?


If you could use my example (copy/paste) and make it a 5 fighter B-wing squadron (including the container package), I would greatly appreciate it.

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This forum is messed up so I hope this goes thru this time. Been trying to answer this since last night :smash: You can fool around with the numbers and formation to make it what you want.



<Squadron_Units>B-Wing, B-Wing</Squadron_Units>
	<Squadron_Units>B-Wing, B-Wing</Squadron_Units>


For some reason I could not get the B-Wing to run without a container(although I am not positive it is needed, I think it is because of the ion cannon shot). The containers are in the COntainers.xml file. Extract it and add this code:



<Container Name="B_Wing_Squadron_Container">
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Star_Destroyer Victory_Destroyer Acclamator_Assault_Ship </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> TIE_Fighter Tartan_Patrol_Cruiser Pirate_Fighter </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
	<Encyclopedia_Unit_Class> TEXT_ENCYCLOPEDIA_CLASS_BOMBER </Encyclopedia_Unit_Class>
	<GUI_Offset>0 0 0</GUI_Offset>

	<SpaceBehavior> REVEAL, ABILITY_COUNTDOWN</SpaceBehavior>

	<Icon_Name />

	<CategoryMask>Bomber | AntiFrigate | AntiCapital</CategoryMask>

	<!-- Unit abilities description -->
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
		<!-- Primary ability -->
			<GUI_Activated_Ability_Name>Y_Wing_Container_Ion_Cannon_Shot</GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->


	<Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
		<Ion_Cannon_Shot_Attack_Ability Name="Y_Wing_Container_Ion_Cannon_Shot">
			<Activation_Style> User_Input </Activation_Style>
			<!-- We only consider the following unit types "valid targets": -->
			<Applicable_Unit_Types />


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This forum is messed up so I hope this goes thru this time. Been trying to answer this since last night :smash:



<Squadron_Units>B-Wing, B-Wing</Squadron_Units>
	<Squadron_Units>B-Wing, B-Wing</Squadron_Units>

Thanks very much for the example.


I'm curious: Shouldn't there be 5 lines of Squadron_Offsets values instead of the 4 you have shown for a 5 fighter B-wing squadron?


Also, what do those values mean (30.0, 0.0, 15.0, -15.0, -30.0)?


I look forward to your response.

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This is a direct copy of the Rebel X-Wing Squadron formation, so you should be just fine. I have not seen a specific guide as to the exact way to edit the squad lines and offsets, but examining the exsisting ones will help you out if you desire to figure out "exactly" how it works. I understand it generally, but not exactly, no need too. :)


The numbers relate to fighter positions withnin the squad. I don't have any kind of chart, nor have I seen one that give "specific" details on what each number represents, but fooling around with it allows "you" to figure it out exactly if you so desire. :)

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This is a direct copy of the Rebel X-Wing Squadron formation, so you should be just fine. I have not seen a specific guide as to the exact way to edit the squad lines and offsets, but examining the exsisting ones will help you out if you desire to figure out "exactly" how it works. I understand it generally, but not exactly, no need too. :)


The numbers relate to fighter positions withnin the squad. I don't have any kind of chart, nor have I seen one that give "specific" details on what each number represents, but fooling around with it allows "you" to figure it out exactly if you so desire. :)

Thanks everyone!


I understand and am completely successful with this issue/task/project!

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Ive made all my squadrons 6 ship, as per Imperial order of battle though I will probably change the rebs to 4 as per their organization: to do 6 the offsets are

30.0, 0.0, 0.0 (I am certain this is the lead fighter)

0.0, 15.0, 0.0 (2nd line)

0.0, -15.0, 0.0 (2nd line)

-30.0, 30.0, 0.0 (last line)

-30.0, 0.0, 0.0 (last line)

-30.0, -30.0, 0.0 (last line)

The first number is the X axis if my memory of maths serves me correctly. 30 indicates 30 of some unit of measurement ahead. A negative number indicates a negative distance; behind. The second number is the Y axis, with variation placing a fighter to one side. The last number is the height so you could in theory make a staggered formation.

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