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death explosions trouble, plus sick of some stuff


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Ok first of all I cannot get my ships to damage others when they die, Can someone help me with the death explosions.

Second, I am so sick and tired of reading forums, especially on the EAW files page of people either asking over and over again for some random ship, like a seperatist cruiser or a klingon bird of prey or whatever they want. They can't model, but they think if they make a poll or make a "special request to any modelers" that it will get done. I am also sick of hearing endless updates about people's massive mods that they are "working on". I have played games for a while now, and I am sure people who are reading this do too. 99% of mods people work on never get finished. Its not about making something fun to most of these people, its all about getting credit for making it, like its the freakin Mona Lisa. Pretty soon when you download anything you will have to sign a waiver swearing you won't disrupt the mod in its original form. So in closing we all want crazy models like the droid tri-fighter and the trade federation battleship. And we would all love a huge game encompasing KotoR models and the Vu-za-whatsit, But if it takes you 20 years to make it, don't update every week like you just did something cool and important, especially if its another minor tweak to something you made a week ago.

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Can any modelers please make me an asteroid with a spaceslug in it for space skirmishes? The spaceslug should be big enough to eat a few x-wings.


I think its stupid how most modders are so focused on clone wars garbage. Like as if we really need another clone wars game. eck! There is so much yet unfinnished in the current EAW time-line, for example spaceslugs.



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I think the Kotor, JK, Clone Wars stuff is a no brainer in terms of mods. The second half of the SW series is more accessible to the new generation. Think about it, I saw Star Wars in 1977 when I was in high school and 15 years old.


So, it really should be no surprise that the most recent stuff is very popular, you should expect it. Most of the gamers were not even around when the first three movies were made. :)

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