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How to read the sound effects files


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Could someone give me info as to what codec can read the WAV files used for all non-music and non-voice sounds in KotOR 1 and 2? I've tried some fifty or so programs and not ONE could read or edit them. The best they ever got was constant static, and the great majority got nothing at all. Can anything crack those?

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Could someone give me info as to what codec can read the WAV files used for all non-music and non-voice sounds in KotOR 1 and 2? I've tried some fifty or so programs and not ONE could read or edit them. The best they ever got was constant static, and the great majority got nothing at all. Can anything crack those?


Don't know what codec is used, but installing Miles Sound Tools and then changing the file extensions from .wav to .mp3 tends to work for me to play most of the sounds. (The extension swapping thing might just be WinAmp assuming things from the extension rather than look at the format inside, but if I don't do it I'll only get static. Same goes for just changing the extension and not having MST installed for some reason.).

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