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Where can I find the .ssfs?


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I just have one little problem I've ran into. I've been trying to create a new soundset (.ssf) I have all of the sounds in the stream sounds folder, plus I've edited the links in the dialog.tlk and created a new .ssf file with the sounds in them. The problem is, it's just sitting on my desktop 'cause I have no clue where to put it. I was wondering if somebody could please tell me where to put .ssf folders so I can use them ingame (Via the KOTOR Save esitor or some other means) I would greatly appreciate it.

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The problem is, it's just sitting on my desktop 'cause I have no clue where to put it. I was wondering if somebody could please tell me where to put .ssf folders so I can use them ingame


Put the SSF file(s) in the override folder, then modify the soundset.2da file to make your soundset usable in the game. The resref column in that file should be set to the name of your SSF file, without the .ssf extension.

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