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Doors with Switches in Jedi Academy


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I am having problems with the func_door entity when I target it with a trigger_multiple that a player can press. I want a door that can only be opened when the button is pressed and stays open until it is pressed again, and then it closes and can be opened by press of the button. The problem I have is that when I walk up to the door, it opens and I don't want it to. I tried the Lock checkbox, and the door locks but then if I push the button it opens and then closes and now opens if I walk up to it. I also checked trigger and tried again, but with the same results.

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I tried that, and it works fine when i do the /devmap <mapname> before i package map, but when i play the map online (lugor mod) the doors don't work right. I don't know if it's something to do with lugormod or if its something with my map. Probably something with lugormod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i got another question related to this- I want to make a secret area much like the ones found in Jedi Home levels, where the stairs drop down revealing a door, but I don't know what to apply to the door to make it work

I don't want the door to open when pressed or walked up to, instead i want it to open by a switch located far away, stay open for about 20 seconds, and then return to its original position, and not open again until the switch is pressed, I also want it to work on Lugormod, since my friends and I play on my lugormod server, and I have noticed problems with doors under Lugormod.

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