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What I Want

Guest murta

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I think that MI5 should use 2D graphics purely because 3D, while looking very nice, will always have bugs (alot more than 2D anyway). Maybe they could use 3D movies and backgrounds with 2D graphics or even do a live action version (like Toonstruck). Mouse control should definately be brought back and the inverntory should either be improved or changed back to one of the ealrier ones, such as MI 1 or 2. The 'multiplayer options' seem to make me think there will be multiplayer in MI5 because CMI had 'Enable 3D Acceleration' (or something like that) and that was made into EMI. If multiplayer is used in MI5, here are some options they could use:

- Seperate Single-Player and Multiplayer strories

- Multiplayer only mini games

They could also include a little Adventure game maker which would be cool.


As for the story, this should have more locations, other than the Caribbean (although they should include at least some of the islands) or even time travel. Multiple characters would also be a cool feature, maybe you could play the whole game as LeChuck...


This probably sounds to you like the ramblings of a mad-man, but I wanted as many ideas as possible

Any thoughts?

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it was all pretty good except for the following points:


1) NO live action! That would wreck the whole cartooney aspect Guybrush has had from the beginning (remember when you walked off the edge of the mountain on Monkey Island?)


2) not the mi1/2 inventory. it was good for that time, but the CMI inventory system was a lot better.


3) no multi-palyer! the only good use for it in an MI game would be, as you said, a mini-game type situation, but what are the odds that lots of players would be at exactly the same point in the game at the same time?


4) i'm rather indifferent to the adventure-game maker idea. I mean, i thgink it would be AMAZING if lucasarts made one, but not as part of a game. it should be it's own separate product.


5) TIME TRAVEL?!?!?!?!? What the hell were you thinking?


6) TAKING IT OUT OF THE CARIBBEAN?!?!?!? (refer to last point's comment)


7) keep in mind, these are only the parts i didn't quite agreee with. There were a number of points that I thought you hit right on the head. Anyway, it's only my opinion, anyway.





"That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen!"

-Guybrush Threepwood

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Hmmm, think i worded it wrong really, most of the points were supposed to justbe ideas and not what i thought should be included. Never mind, cheers for the comments, I agree with most of them. What i meant for the multiplayer mini-game is thatyou could unlock the game at certain points and then just replay it at any time you wanted through the game menu, single or multiplayer

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Here's what I think should be in MI5:


1. You can visit all the islands, including the places you visited in MI1, 2, 3 and 4.


2. Have the CMI inventory back.


3. 2D graphics like in CMI


4. EMI doesn't make me laugh as much as CMI, more jokes please smile.gif


5. Murray! Always keep Murray in every Monkey Island they do, even when in like the year 5346 and Monkey Island 5346 is out, we love Murray!


6. Always make LeChuck survive in some way, like in CMI, at the beginning when the voodoo cannonball exploded, Gybrush thought he'd beaten LeChuck, but he just made him stronger.


7. Make him go back to Plunder Island somewhere in his journey and he meets up with El Pollo Diablo


That's enough of my rants, some may not make sense but that's just me tongue.gif



"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, quake in fear mortals, for your insolence, I shall devour you!" - Murray

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