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whatever happened to the MOUSE?


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I am kinda dissapointed by the keyboard-only interface of Escape. To be completely honest, I still push 'O' when I'm by the door, which ****es me off, considering that it's the 'to map' button in Escape, and until I figured out how to change that ****, i've had to go through painful redoing of the Marshes of Time part...


So, the mouse should be back, and the inventory should be in a list, not in a rotatable interface. I'd keep the 3D characters, but add more animations, etc. I still haven't beaten much of Escape, so I'm not going to comment on the story, yet considering the endings of 1, 2 and 3 I'd like to ask for at least 3-minute long feature ending, because the endings of MONKEY ISLANDs usually tend to, ahem, suck balls. Ever since I was tremendously dissapointed with the ending for Monkey Island 2, and felt that in-game cutscenes were better than the ending in 3, although 3 at least had SOME sense of completion, unlike 2, i wished teh games had better endings to 'award' us with for beating them. I still have yet to beat Escape, so i'm going to go, but thoguht i'd put my two cents in.


[This message has been edited by theEXIT (edited December 14, 2000).]

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I know what you mean about having an award at the ending of a game. In some games all you get to see is the credits and that's all which really isn't that fun. I think they should have some special item which you earn at the end of the game like in Metal Gear Solid (the stealth suit) so you could replay the game again but I don't think they should do the Resident Evil 2 example of making you complete it 9 times just to get a different character.

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yeah, i do have flight of ideas syndrome, because i've been thinking how to write my own adventure engine with scripting capabilities and ****, so i've thought up a lot of ****. Thanks for giving me more incentive tok play EFMI. i'm gonna go play.

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about cutscenes in EFMI: i was amazed by how long and beautiful those movies are. The amount of animation they have done is pretty damn cool. Yet sometimes I sort of wonder if they had extra time on their hands or what. A couple of those beautifully-rendered cutscenes were going over pretty simple stuff. Examples of that would be taking off the anklet from Guybrush's leg, which involved a few lines of static dialogue (which means they just stood there and talked, same could be done with usual real-time 3D in-game pic) and the map retrieval from Lua Bar. I'm on ACT II, and I'm trying not to rush this game, unlike I did with Curse, that one I've beaten in just one day, after 20 hours of straight gaming, yet I'm glad that you guys are 'implying' that the ending of escape will be something amazing to look forward to.


Yet if we ARE talking cutscenes in 'what should be in MI5' forum, I'd like to add a minor note. If anyone played FINAL FANTASY VII, they know that they also featured rendered cutscenes. Some of those cutscenes featured same blocky characters as did the in-game shapes, while some others featured very complex and hi-quality renders of the in-game characters. Those were very complex, with detailed clothing, etc. I think that monkey island games should try and make those hi-qual meshes for the cinematics, because the angular glasses of the bank owner looked kinda bad when rendered, in my not-so humble opinion. But that's just a minor wish...

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its a well documented fact that the development team cut corners with all but the main characters (them being Guybrush, Elaine & LeChuck) buy giving them low-res texturemaps for skins... even Ozzies jacket is blocky... you dont notice ingame cos they are so small, but look at pegnoses eyes during the bank robbery scene!!!



LUA Bar... Whats a LUA?


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yes, Gubrush UK, i do see that. It's also clearly seen in the scene right after ACT II, when OZZIE's face is a big polygonal mess. No offence to the team, but I've done smoother 3D myself, which is exactly why I'm wishing for the smoother cutscene character modeling. The animations are great, however, but some gestures seem a tad odd. (yet still a great game, i'm not *****ing about that!)

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When I entered this thread I was sure you were talking about the mouse of the men of low fiber, or what ever their name is...


Wev'e seen it on MI 1 and II


why not on EMI or CMI???



"You are ugly and your mother dresses you funny "

- Guybrush Threepwood

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