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What I'm looking for Monkey 5


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If there will be Monkey 5 I think they

should draw(model) characters better. Also they should change the inventory because it's pretty slow to use. Old good CMI style inventory is best. What are your opinions. smile.gif



They don't call me the Bone Master for nothing

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to use the CMI style inventory properly, you really need a mouse.


& the character models are ok... its the skins that need touching up... every skin except Guybrush, Elaine & LeChuck seemed to have been rendered in a very low res, especially for cutscenes (look at pegnose's eyes)



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I would also prefer a really large game. I was expecting 4 disks for EscapeMI, but only go two. 4 or more disks for 5 would be nice.


Plus I'd like the style and overall look of the game to go back to the comic/kinda gothic style/look of MI2.


Also bring back the two difficulty levels, with the hard difficulty level offering more puzzles and more locations to explore.



"I Trust You About As Far As I Can Throw Manhattan!"

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lec needs to steal the engine from the longest journey. point and click interface, great gfx, and they could utilize cds better and makt the game longer!




«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



America was founded on three basic principles, Liberty, Equality and FRATERNITY PARTIES!!

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I'd wish they brought back the mouse controls too. Keyboard and/or joypad controlled characters are for action-adventure games. Not Graphics-adventure games.


Also, I'd love to see Guybrush's Indy Jones-style outfit in Monkey Island 2 to be brought back.


And personally, I'd wish they had made Monkey Island IV an "made-up-monkey-adventure-game". I mean, a side story. Monkey IV didn't feel like a continuation of the trilogy, but like a sidekick with the same characters. Why not make an additional Monkey Island Series. For example one title could be:


Monkey Island Memoirs - The Herman Toothrot Story




Monkey Island Memoirs - LeChuck's advice to evil-zombie-ghost-pirate-wannabes



Wouldn't that be cool?



If only we had as much graphic adventure games as Star Wars Games!!

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i can see it now...


when the MI series finishes in about 750 years from now (ok, exagerating...), LEC <font size=1>(still run by the immortal George, who will be sustained in a fluid tank & wheeled around by a cyborg Rick McCallum)</font> will release a 'Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood' special edition, with every MI game stored on whatever storage media (Holo-disks smile.gif)



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1st point: they should change guybrush's look a bit, cause he didn't look quite right in mi4. hearing guybrush's (dominic's) voice coming out of this fat, misshapen is still giving me nightmares.


2nd point: the rotating inventory HAS to go. I think CMI got eh inventory perfect.


3rd point: go back to the mouse. it might have worked for GF, but for a comedic adventure that requires specific timing for a number of the jokes, we need the speed that only a point-and-click interface can provide.


4th point: Make the game HUGE! defintiely 4 CD's or more. not DVD's though, because lots of people don't have DVD players yet, and lost still won't by the time MI5 comes out.


5th point: i agree with not being able to choose difficulty levels, but they should eliminate the easy level, not the hard level. MI4 was too easy.


6th point: my fingers are tired from typing. i'm stopping now.





"That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen!"

-Guybrush Threepwood

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Guest ZeroXcape

To reply to Bone's first comment, I think Monkey Island 1 & 2 had the best inventory system. I really liked all the possible commands.


If LucasArts could make a SCUMM Engine mixed with some 3D, I think it'd be very popular.






EMI.com Webmaster


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Yeah, I reckon they should definately make it a HUGE long adventure game where you sail to heaps of different islands. It would be the ultimate MI adventure. Also it should have alot of action sequences in it like at the start of CMI with the canon.

One other excellent improvement would be if it was more aimed towards the adults. With a bit of adult humour and some good violence. I loved the end of MI2 when Le Chuck fell to pieces!

Also, with the fact about model and detail improvement, Guybrush should grow a Goatee like in MI2 (by now u probably know that MI2 was my favourite MI)

And if they have a bad guy besides LeChuck, they should be REALLY REALLY EVIL, hopefully not another ozzie (like myself)

Well I think that wraps up what i need to say smile.gif

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I think that the game should be absolutly HUGE. Not so much as dvd cause some fans dont have a dvd, but make it so theres like 2-3 cds per stage.


It should be like gran-turismo how it takes forever to finish (not the car racing part of it though) it should take them about 4 years to make and then you would ahve to play it for ages to pass and by the time youve finished theyve brought out another one.


Not so much as in dificulty level but a bit harder than MI4. They should make instead of difficulty level a lot more things to do to get a certain object. You should also be able to go to many more island and explore a lot more too.



Its......... Pink



Guybrush Threepwood

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It'll take a miracle to get Ron back. In all likelihood, he'll never touch a MI game again.

As for adventures, you won't see them becoming much longer than they are... adventures are lavish games to make, needing plenty of effort to go into voices, art and design. To make one that takes as long to finish as Gran Tourismo 2 would be totally impractical due to production costs.

That said, MI4 was a bit short, wasn't it? MI5 will probably be longer than that. Appears that Stemmle and Clark just ran out of top notch jokes so they just cut it short while things were still going well.

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In my opinion, MI4 lacked on humor. Anyone really laughed once when talking to Meathook or Murray? They just seemed to be in the game to not completely lose the MI feeling.

Or does anyone really wish one new character to appear in MI5 (except Timmy the monkey *s*)?

Ozzie Mandrill, Pegnose Pete, Marco di Pollo... I think Lucas Arts did a great job with most of the backgrounds, but the characters were kinda boring. Also some locations were disappointing. I laughed out loud when I first saw "Planet Threepwood" on a screenshot, but when I arrived there in the game, I noticed, that the designers didn't manage at all to use the humoristic potential of such a place. 3 or 4 pieces of MI memorabila like some clothes or a Lucas Arts mug... is that all??

I really hope, that the storywriters of MI5 just reinstall and replay MI1 and 2 to remind themselves what a high standard they have to reach, to make the game worthy to continue the best adventure game ever written.




sorry for my english...

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