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Interface and Graphics...


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I want to use mouse in MI5,.....

Key board is very ... difficult until you get used to it....

And in MI1~MI3... You just move around mouse

and you know what to pick up...

because of yellow boarders appear around

an item which you can pick up...

but in MI4, it was really difficult!!

YOu had to walk up to it, so if it's real

small you can not find it easily,....


Secondly the graphics were NOT smooth....

I like the 3D but it kinda seems that

the it escaped the mood and style of

Monkey Island Series~

And needs more detail~...

You see FF8 movie clips?

I think they should be about that smooth...


And rather that changing screen every time...

I think you should make 100% 3D...

Not 2D+3D...

then if you make 3D buildings,,...

And you can add 360 degree rotating functioN!

Then you can explore more and the town will be bigger and you could go anywhere...

For example like Grandia 1 on DC.

Or wild arms2.....


And I wish to have very logical puzzle...

not some stupid puzzle...

or some puzzles that you just have to guess

and find the pattern...


Very puzzly puzzles!!! I want!


And I want about 6CDS at least...

8 would be good.



1 for install

2~7 playing

8 for multiplayer.


so it can be very very large game.

But don't make it too boring~


And!!! I expect some services!!!

Like very cool and big game box with great

illsutrations!!! and good quality papers~


And very thick manuals and very safe CD case



You see Baldur's Gate 2?

Manual is very good, includes Clothe map

good CD case...


But MI4 was... . very dissapointing..

When I opened the box... only one CD case..

and manual was just CD cover....


I wish you work more on services for consumers....

For the case... you see Blizzard games?

They use special quality papers on

game screen shots and on highlight part of the pictures so they stand out.


Only little amount of work can increase

the number of sales very much.

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