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Chinese Pirates?


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In the Habor Mistress's boat dock, there is a chinese junk, which got me thinking how cool it would be to see Guybrush adventure into chinese waters, and take on some chinese pirates (they did have them right?) i don't know abt storyline though. LeChuck gets brought back as a dragon/demon thingy maybe?

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I've actually never heard of any Chinese pirates, though I supposed there could have been something similar to pirates in China.... If they did exist, it's probably a safe bet that they never had a Jolly Roger on their mast..



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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Maybe when the explosion through LeChuck out of the screen it good have taken him all the way to China. This means he's doing some evil voodoo down there, making evil armies of Chinese pirates, and so to beat him you have to team up with Samerai!


And I know that George Lucas likes Samerai, the whole Jedi thing is based on them!


Pity intro comp is closed. frown.gif



May the Force be with you.

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