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MI5 graphics should be made worse


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its like this youll probly all start crying atme after this but anyway when they set out to make and adventure game they deside the file size and they dont go over that thats why the last three mi's where logner and in more detail becuase there was worse graphics in number 4 they put all of it into the graphics and not enough in the game so i think they should make the graphics worse and have a better story line. besides we got along fine with the old graphics lechuks revenge or curse graphics would do it for me what do you think?

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ok, the 3D stylee alienated the older fans & made the game smaller, but switching back to 2D will alienate people like EmitEcaps who want to show off their hardware power with 1600x1200 res T&L powered frag-fests...


its a no-win situation, the only profitable way is forward... 100% 2D adventures are history...


<font size=1>i personnally want them back, EMI's 3D view didn't do it for me</font>



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I suppose I shouldn't go up against long-time fans, but the only thing that got me to buy EFMI was the 3d setup. You see, the first LucasArts adventure I really got into was the sadly under-appreciated Grim Fandango. When I realized the game had such little success and therefore a sequel was unlikely, I was sad to say the least. However, when I found out that the next Monkey Island game was going to use a (somewhat) similar 3d interface, I was overjoyed. To me, this interface is more immersive than any of the old 2d point-and-click games. But that's not to say I have anything against 2D games. It's just personal opinion, that's all.

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I did think the 3d looked very cool, but I see MI as a cartoon like game, and I think the Curse graphics made it look more like a comic or cartoon. Maybe we could compromise and have the game in 2d and the cut scenes in 3d, where it runs smoother and looks better anyway.


[This message has been edited by Spud21 (edited January 02, 2001).]

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I think MI5 should have super duper graphics

that it is 3D but also cartoony and has all details and has the style of CMI~!!!!!

And it should have best story line ever

and best interface ~ best game system,

100% NO BUGS and Best manuals and services

and Longest Adventure game in history with

dramatic ending and VERY~~~ good puzzles...


I think they should bring up all the systems

they have succeded in each series~

And when they join up! SURPRiSE!

Mi5 ...

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Hey! Think style of LeChuck's Revenge (size of people, background graphics (painted), Guygrush's outfit and beard! Now think the quality and resolution of Curse... put those together and you'd have a really explosive team... that would make for just about the best graphics ever! In it's kind of course...

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Unfortunately my first post to this board will be in disagreement about this topic..


Personally I think that the move to 3D is inspired, it was a helluva gamble especially after the benchmark set by the last MI game and I think Lucasarts pulled it off admirably.


Regarding the comment about the 'filesize' of the game being decided beforehand that is probably a misaprehension. I doubt the 3D models take up much more space than the sprites that need to be drawn frame by frame for each animation, from each different position, so they would have to draw a Guybrush from the left, behind, the front etc, and the same with all the other characters. With 3D they model the character once then once in 3D it can be viewed at all angles. The same with the backgrounds, although they are pre-rendered, all the artists needed to do was design a location once, then re-render it from different angles, this probably cut down a lot on production times/costs, it is most definitely a lot easier than airbrushing each individual location, you also get a better feeling of continunity.. WHAT probably took up a lot of space was the 10,000 or so lines of speech they recorded for this game, personally I think the game is plenty long enough (I still haven't finished it yet, but getting close).. Remember, less is more..


Happy new year everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rapp Scallion

You know the cover art of mi2 mi2box.jpg I think they should have made a game like this!

They have a big picture of it at the scummbar, but they have server troubles right now and i don`t know the adress.


-Rapp Scallion-


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Guest Rapp Scallion

You know the cover art of mi2 mi2box.jpg I think they should have made a game like this!

They have a big picture of it at the scummbar, but they have server troubles right now and i don`t know the adress.


-Rapp Scallion-

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Guest Rapp Scallion

mi2box.jpg I think they should have made a Monkey Island game like the mi1 and mi2 cover. I have seen a big picture of it at the scummbar, but it looks like they have server trouble.

Guybrush would have been the best of all Guybrushes if they did this.


-Rapp Scallion-

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Oh come on, we all know it is going to stay 3D so all the casual gamers who hopped on the MI bandwagon won't jump off if they even see 2D. How many causal MI fans do you think are even going to go back and play the previous adventures? LEC does not want to alienate Mr. Casual Gamer and therefore, they will keep him happy and satisfied by staying in evil 3D. We will never see another new 2D MI game ever.

Once again, meet my pessimistic opinions.




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If they are going to make Monkey 5 I think they should render backgrounds to cartoon-style. If there is someone who knows about 3d programs knows what I mean. Cartoon style looks a bit like hand drawn but it's still 3d.



They don't call me the Bone Master for nothing

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the 3d style of EMI because it's something fresh to the Monkey Island serie. Oh yes, I love the 2d-interface ( even more ) but I have nothing big against EMI if it has a plot that pleases me.


Still it's quite annoying to use just keyboard; I would have liked a keyboard+mouse interface but I don't work at LucasArts so why I complain?


MI2 still was the tip of the iceberg in storyline and storytelling. When Gilbert left, I think, everything has just gone worse ( not much, but little ).


But I've heard MI4 is funny for MI-fans, because lots of old-school humour and inside-jokes. Is this true?




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