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The reason for influence is to make people like or hate you depending on how you treat them, what decisions you make, what you say to other people, and so on. Nobody is going to like (or hate) you just because you're the main character. And they won't trust you with their secrets or thoughts, unless they like you first. Most of the companions have secret information or bonuses that must be "unlocked" by building influence with them.


This is true for all your characters, although not all are swayed toward your way thinking. I mean, if you have an extreme alignment (light side or dark side), some of the characters will shift more towards your's if they like you, or and shift more toward the other extreme if they don't. This is not true for all, however. For example, Kreia is pretty set in her ways and will not shift alignment no matter what you do. You can still gain or lose influence with her, though.

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