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"To be continued" or not?


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When I think about it, the Monkey Island games (imho) get a little weaker for each sequel it gets. Of course, I loved CMI and EMI, but the two first are the best. And the reason for this is that it's stuck to continue a story from the end of the last game. That means it's not really very much of a freeride for those who write the manuscript beacause you always have to attach the new story to the other ones somehow or another. I think if they thought of making a completely new game, unrelated to any of the previous games (of course, it has to be a graphic adventure games), they would end up writing a very VERY good storyline indeed. Look at all the standalone games LucasArts made for us. Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle (yeah, it's Maniac Mansion 2, but it's not an obvious continuation of the first). See my point! That it, all the characters, new roles, new story.

Look at Final Fantasy? It just keeps on getting better and better (from 7 - 9 that is, I haven't tried the older ones).


Any thoughts?


[This message has been edited by StarEye (edited March 07, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by StarEye (edited March 07, 2001).]

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You seriously think FF9 is better than FF7&FF6? FF9's a pretty tired 'made easy so kiddies can buy it too' affair without much original in it.

As someone who's got the entire FF family, I can tell you that pretty graphics aside, FF9's not even as good as FF6 or FF5. It is better than FF3 however wink.gif

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Well, I get bored if I just continue dying all the time. And by the way, I don't think FF7 was any harder, with the exception of the final boss. Why do you think I'm such a big fan of Monkey Island? You can't die!


I haven't tried out the older Fantasies, so I'm not of the veteran league in this game. Final Fantasy 9 is in my opinion slightly better than Final Fantasy 7. I'm playing it right now, to compensate my need for Fantasy 10 on PS2. Untill now, the story is better in nr. 9.That's just my opinion...


Anyway, this was not my point in my topic... no offense.

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Um hate to cut in here but....I don't think that FF has got better. I will buy FF9 soon. But FF7 is an all time major player. But FF8 was completely lame! The idea about students and the graphics were good but the gameplay was crap!! Now dont get me wrong i'm a huge FF fan but FF8 waste of money.




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Guest Rapp Scallion

One more Monkey Island sequel.

Then a movie.

And they could start to make some prequels after that.







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Okay... that line was a bad example. I agree that FF8 was not as good as FF7. I don't know why I said so, but I guess I just made an example I thought everybody else thought, looking at all the reviews they got. My personal opinion:






There. Happy now? Don't tell me FF9 wasn't as good as FF7 now, because that not what I think. Let's have our own thoughts, okay? Nothing's going to persuade me into otherwise. Does anybody here go to a Final Fantasy forum? That's where all this belongs. Sorry if I've upset anyone, but try looking another way on that one. This is a Monkey Island forum, not Final Fantasy. Still... no offence.

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

FF7 is the best biggrin.gif Since FF9 isn't out for computer yet so what I think so far of FF9 is the charactors are too young. Five people in your party thats a little bit too easy




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Okay then. Topic change: Which Final Fantasy do you think is the best out of FF7, FF8 or FF9? Nobody seems to care about the actual topic anyway (except you, Rapp Scallion) , so this seems like a better idea... :-)


By the way... who's got PS2 and hope to find MI4 on this powerful machine soon? (Maybe I should make another topic, but then again... that doesn't seem to work out the way I want, so I guess this is good enough:-))


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i'm a FF fan too folks! thanks to Blondebeard for telling me about this topic. i only finished FF9 about a week ago and i would have to say that it is by far the easiest out of 7-9 (i havn't played any of the earlier ones)


and i would also have to say that it's an extremely tough decision but i think 7 is the best, just slightly better than 8, althougth none of them were exactly *bad*


and of course 7 had the best baddie in all time gaming history, good ol' Sephiroth biggrin.gif


+ i wanted to ask, what's everyone's fave cutscene and mini game from the FF series? my fave FMV would have to be in FF7 where Seph walks into the flames at Nibelheim, and my fave mini game...Chocobo Hot and Cold of course!!!!! soooooo addictive lol


luv kim xxx



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and also, i think FF8 is the best music-wise, what does everyone else think??



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