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Alittle help with Hardpoints


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Ok, here goes....I am making a mod and I'm having some problems. At this point I have tried 3 different variations of my own way, and have looked at other mods for ideas but nothing is working and its starting to piss me off.


I am adding Proton Torpedos and Concussion missiles to the X-wings and A-wings, respectively. At first I just added the bomber proton torpedo hardpoint to the X-wings which worked however was too overbalanced since it made the Y-Wings obsolete.


So instead I first tried making a new HP by just making a new name and adding in the <variation_of_exsisting_type> code to make things simple. I put Damage to be half of its original stats and well, it didn't work. I did go back and make sure the new hardpoints on the X-Wing were named to the custom hardpoint but still to no avail.


Then I tried making a completely NEW hardpoint by just coping the bomber code, renaming the hardpoint HP_X_Wing_Torpedo, adjusted damage to get the effect I wanted, added the HP name to the X-wing and still nothing.


Ditto with the A-wing and still nothing.


I tried looking at different mods, I tried making new projectiles as well to fire from the new hardpoints and still nothing. I'd really like to know if I'm just forgetting a XML I have to edit in order to make it all work casue I intend to add ALOT more new hardpoints and I can't really do that if even these simple things aint working.


Also if someone has a good, simple and very detailed tutorial on making a new bone setup along with collision box for models from Warlords public model pack I'd really apperciate it....


Thanx in advance to anyone who can help me.


:vsd: IronRaptor :vsd:


Empire at War : Heart of Darkness mod

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