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Does it ever end? So many Dark Jedi... (Spoilers)


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Alright, I'm in the Command Center on the Star Forge. And I'm having trouble. When it seems like I've finally killed most of the enemies, more suddenly appear and wipe me out. Would someone please tell me what's going on? Do they constantly respawn? Thanks.

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Alright, I'm in the Command Center on the Star Forge. And I'm having trouble. When it seems like I've finally killed most of the enemies, more suddenly appear and wipe me out. Would someone please tell me what's going on? Do they constantly respawn? Thanks.


As far as I can tell the swarms of Sith Troopers and Dark Jedi don't respawn infinitely, but there are a lot of encounters. They will stop coming eventually if you stick around long enough, but the only thing you gain by doing so is XP and loot.


There are trigger zones placed all along the corridors which spawn new groups when you or any party members step on them. In order to limit the number of opponents you have to fight at once do not advance needlessly while there are still enemies around, since chances are you'll trigger another encounter if you do.


Keep your party members on a short leash and you should only have to fight a few enemies at a time, and will then have time to heal and buff before moving on to trigger the next enemy group.



As for the droids... (select text below to read it)

...that Malak unleash on you when you first run into him on the star forge those will respawn indefinitely unless you destroyu the replicators. You'll either have to hack the computer terminals in the room to destroy or reprogram the Replicators, or just bash the door Malak went through and ignore the droids alltogether.


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