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A Small Re-Modeling\Texture Request


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Alright, I tried doing this myself, but I suck at moddeling/texturing, im more of a scripter, so I was wondering if someone could do a few small edits to a file for me...


The mod is this..


Dark Jedi Mask With Hood


TSL Mod..


D.J. <--- I assume this is the author, I think he is a member here...


Dark Jedi Mask & Hood.zip <--- THe mods archive name


If you dont have this, I believe its on lucasfiles, or kotor files... If not I can email it you..



Anyways, this mod is the dark jedi mask from kotor 1 made wearable for player characters, I like it a lot, but I dont dig the mask, or the color...


The hood though is awesome, I like it alot better than any other hood mod I can find, so I want the mask part removed, its a very small mouth covering(should be a simple delete job), and I would like it in a variety of colors(black, brown, white, etc,) to match the various robes...


Thats it.. See nothing too hard, but it would be worth it, this hood is excellent looking in-game... The hood, is made by bioware, so its a professional model job.. I think a lot of ppl would like to have this after they see it done.. Please.. :)



If it harder than I think to do, at least make it black, without the mask, I want it for use with Redhawkes exile robe, so it has to be "black" not that horrid grey/black, the original robes are.. :)


Though, I would like a brown one too, for my jedi character too..





Also, from the front of a character, you can sorta see through the model, just a wee bit, so if thats fixable, please do so...

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Yes, it is a nice hood :D

I'll do that for you, but I'm not that good at texturing cloths. All what you ask is doable, but instead of using D.J. model I'll edit the original models from the game because I want to test a few things too. Do you want it for K1 or TSL? For female or male? I was thinking to do for both games and genders.

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Yes, it is a nice hood :D

I'll do that for you, but I'm not that good at texturing cloths. All what you ask is doable, but instead of using D.J. model I'll edit the original models from the game because I want to test a few things too. Do you want it for K1 or TSL? For female or male? I was thinking to do for both games and genders.



That would be perfect, I want it specifically for TSL Male, but both games and genders is even better.. And thank you, I cant wait to have this hood in its finished state, it will go well with my characters.


And definetely try to edit it a little bit, anything you can do to make it better would be great. I guess either post the results here or PM me and giive me mod details after its done, because I definetely want a copy of the finished product.


Well thanks again..






Btw. Im sure someone here will be nice enough to texture it for you, there are a lot of texture ppl here.. :)


And not to push my luck here, but if on the side, you or anyone can find the time, I would love an Emperor Palpatine style robe, episode 6... The current robe selection arent very sith like, they are just re-colored jedi robes, or even a darth maul style robe, which is very similar to palpatines..

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