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I still need a way to set variables..



if ( uUnknown == vVar)

Set xVar (vVar + sVar); <-- How do I do this..



xVar = vVar + sVar;

...as long as xVar, vVar and sVar are of the same type, otherwise you'll need to convert the values to the same type first.


Here is a complete nonsense script as an example demonstrating a few things you can do with different types of variables:


// Declare global script variable. This can be accessed from all functions within this script,
// but will only exist for the duration of the script execution (a few milliseconds usually).
int MyGlobal; 

void main() {
   // Declare local script variables. These only exist within this block of code, i.e. while
   // inside the { } pair of block delimiters it's defined between. In this case the main() function.
   float fMyX, fMyY; // Declare floating point script variables...
   float fSomeValue;
   int iNum1;  // Declare integer script variables
   int iNum2;  
   int iSum;
   vector vPos;    // Declare vector (x,y,z) script variable
   string sResult = "The result is "; // Declare string script var and assign constant value to it.
   object oMyself = OBJECT_SELF; // Declare object reference script var and assign it the object running this script.

   // Note: Other valid script variable types are: location, talent, event, effect

   vPos = GetPosition(oMyself); // Assign function value to variable.

   fMyX = vPos.x; // Assign variable value to another variable.
   fMyY = vPos.y;

   iNum1 = 1; // Assign constant value to variable.    
   iNum2 = 2;
   fSomeValue = 2.5;

   if (fMyX == fMyY) { // If X and Y are identical...
       iSum = iNum1 + iNum2;  // Add value of two vars and store in another.
       iSum++;  // Increment value of iSum by 1.
       iSum--; // Subtract value of iSum by 1.
       iSum /= 2;  // Divide value of iSum by 2.
       iSum *= 4;  // Multiply value of iSum by 4;
       iSum += 10;  // Add 10 to the value of iSum;
       iSum -= 4;  // Subtract 4 from the value of iSum.
       iSum += iNum1 * iNum2; // Multiply iNum1 by iNum2 and add the result to iSum.
       iSum += FloatToInt(fSomeValue); // Add the non-fractional value of fSomeValue to iSum;

       // Set the global script variable to the value.
       MyGlobal = iSum;

       // Store the value in the global game variable (declared in globalcat.2da) named MyNonsenseSum.
       // These can be accessed from anywhere in the game.
       SetGlobalNumber("MyNonsenseSum", iSum);

       // Store the value in local object numeric variable slot 12 of the object running the script.
       // Note that the valid range of LocalNums is -127 to 128 only, higher/lower values will overflow.
       // These can be accessed while in the module where their parent object exists.
       SetLocalNumber(OBJECT_SELF, 12, iSum);

       // Post the resulting value to the Feedback log in-game.
       SendMessageToPC(GetPartyLeader(), sResult + IntToString(iSum));

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