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Best and Worst Voice Actors


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Worst in K1: Any freaking alien voice that repeats the same phrase over, and over, and over, and over....Ugh!



It was kind of odd that not only were phrases repeated, but that were often used by more than one character and delivered in a slightly different cadence (eg Janice Nall and Sasha and probably another male alien). Geez, you'd think they could've come up with more gibberish. |Sort of like having someone from NY, TX and GA deliver the same line. Same words, just different delivery.

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I can't give my opinion about the original version, but the French one has its own failures...


Juhani's voice is boring, and so is Xor's one, so when they are discussing, it would be quite fun if it wasn't so soporific.


Bastila, Carth and Malak sound good, and Jolee Bindo too (he is hilarious, this one), Mission's voice is really superb (listen to her when she is in anger with Bastila, Carth or Griff ^^).

In the two games, HK-47 is great.

Canderous' used Mandalorian warrior voice is brillant.


In TSL, Sion is speaking tooooo sloooowwlyy... Thaaaat's boooriingg... "Kreeeeeia va teeeenter de.... vouuus briiiiser...."

Speaking of Kreia. Her cold and passion-less voice (radically opposed to Visas' one) is very well recorded.

The Handmaiden and the Disciple are the two big failures of the French Version. Stupids dialogues recited by a zombi's voice...

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I think my favorite lines in the whole game is when you have all the Masters at the rebulit enclave, and right before they strip you of the force, Kreia comes in. All those lines at that part, I thought were truly great. She also seems like a bad-ass at that part.


And does anyone else think it's weird how Sara Kestelman actually looks quite a bit like Kreia? http://www.nerf-herders-anonymous.net/images/SaraKestelman.jpg

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