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Do you think this will be the last Monkey Island?


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i also noticed the "five game contract thing" which guybrush also said.

i once wrote an episode I style story concerning the adventures of lechuck and HT on melee island with old marley as governor. I made it so a lot of the things that they did were evident in the original MI - kind of like DOTT but without actually jumping between times, ie. lechuck buried the treasure of melee for a laugh and guybrush ended up finding it, etc.

actually, a DOTT style thing would be good, where parts of the original MI were replayed (maybe) to affect the future guybrush. this could be done with the help of a powerful voodoo... monkey? something anyway...




That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen! -- Guybrush

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you can die in lucasarts games. guybrush can die in MI1 by staying underwater for more than 10 mins. he can also die in MI2 in the same way (i think) and you CAN die in fate of atlantis, where indy drowns also. it then says "you are not guybrush threepwood. you drowned" or something along those lines...

so there



That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen! -- Guybrush

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Guest grannen

Sure, I´m looking forward to MI5 and hopfully MI6.

But, what I REALLY is looking forward to is playing Monkey Island in Virtual Reality!


That would be the day!


Fighting side by side with Eileen against LeChuck

Carry Murray under my arm?


Can you imagine that?

The thought makes me weak!






[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited December 31, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited December 31, 2000).]

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I think Guybrush should die in one of the games, 5 or 6, and then come back in a new game where he teams up with Manny Calavera. I think you could also make something like DOTT where you can play multiple characters, like Guybrush, Elaine, and Murray. Murray must come back.

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My take:


The Guybrush/Elaine story will last out for, maximum, two more games. But that doesn't mean the series has to stop. Monkey Island is a rich visual world with still a lot of potential, even if future stories don't involve the characters we know....


Catch my drift?



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What would be cool if Lucasarts made new adventures for Full Throttle, Sam & Max, The Dig and The Day of the Tentacle.


Anyway if Lucasarts stopped their MI series, I'd love them to bring out extra MI goodies. eg, desktop themes & games, MI figurines, MI action game (like tomb raider kind of style), etc.


Hmmmm maybe a MI movie ?


More games of every one of their games would be great. A MOVIE? I suppose it could be done, but what would it be abpout a movie for each game or 1 movie about all 4 (Hopefully to become 5!) movies.




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Guest The Feral Chicken

You can die infinite times in 'Indiana Jones'; that's what made the game so interesting!


This was posted by Guybrush UK, who clearly suffers from amnesia...

i just think he should die as a set piece during one of the games...


Don't you remember CMI? Blood Island? Where you die?



That's the second chicken I've ever seen! What with me being a pirate and all. I don't see many chickens in my line of work.

What? Stop looking at me like that!



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I think there is a lot of room for continued MI Games... perhaps guybrush & co will only last one (or a few more) episodes, but what about H.Marleys comment at the end of EMI, about wanting some great-grandchildren? How about, say their son &or daughters... A basic plot could be that G&E have gone off on their 7th wedding aniversery, and while gone, their ol' pal leChuck Appears and pinches their kids, then you could have a DOTT style thing, from the kids POV, trying to escape, and from Guybrushes POV, getting them back. Or just one POV, if you wanted to stay the same.


One thing for certain, the next game(s) should be longer than EMI... It did seem rather short to me. About 12 acts would be fine. Less "mini games" would also be nice. I did not enjoy the crazy MK, as it didnt work properly here... It went REALLY slow and jerky whenever it came up with the "DRAW" "YOU WIN" or "YOU LOSE" text. It even came up with a "Congratulations! You have found a bug!" message. I must get 'round to telling LucasArts about that soon...


anyway, back to the real point of the discussion, should there be another MI game?


I think so,yes. At least 1 more. And a lot longer, please! smile.gif Lots of side-quests and pointless things to do... eg: You hear some gossip about a chap named "Murrey" in connection to whatever it is that your searching for. You have a long and envolved quest to find murrey, and he says he wont talk unless you get somthing for him, so off you go on another envolved quest to find it, bring it back and then it turns out it was only gossip in the first place, and he had nothing to do with the plot at all (other than driving you mad!). smile.gif


Being able to go to more than just the specifed islands would be nice, eg: you actually get to stear the ship about the islands... (and hopefully it will *not* still be pink...)



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Originally posted by ZainGadol:

Actually, you CAN die in an LA game, there is a part at the end of Full Throttle



You've missed the point... you can die like THAT in ALL LEC games...


after the plane plummets in FT, Ben says 'thats not how it ends' & the thing resets itself to the start of the plane bit...


in MI1 you can fall off the cliff, but Guybrush bounces back up & says 'rubber plant'... (if you drown after 10 minutes, you REALLY die... but that was an oversight on Lucasfilm games part)


in MI2 you can drown or be burnt alive in Acid, but Elaine just says 'you were killed, but your telling em this NOW!'


in CMI, you can die... but thats a plot element smile.gif


in EMI, you can shoot yourself in the mystes of tyme marshes


in Grim, i think you can get sprouted, but i havent got the game so i cant say...


the only LEC game you can REALLY... PROPERLY die in is The Fate of Atlantis (wait to long in some areas & you get shot)



LUA Bar... Whats a LUA?



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Let's not forget about Maniac Mansion and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I think you can really die in Maniac Mansion, and you have a "Full Throttle"-esque event where you can die in Last Crusade, but you always start over at a recent spot automatically.


Anyway, even if LEC decides to make a Monkey Island 6 and it is crap, it'd be good just to see a new adventure game on the market. I don't know about you guys in Europe, but it's going to get pretty rough over here after Stupid Invaders is released. Better start fishing through that bargain bin to find your favorite adventure classics now, because you won't see anything new for a while.



Oh there's a monkey in my pocket/And he's stealing all my change/His stare is blank and glassy/I suspect that he's deranged.

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quote:in Grim, i think you can get sprouted, but i havent got the game so i cant say...



I am sorry to say that is not true (you can get sprouted in greenhouse but it is,like in CMI part of the plot)





Let´s not forget the importance of.......BOTTY

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with most of you.


You can clearly see that MI2 was the tip of the iceberg that IS Monkey Island. It is far the most critically acclaimed MI game and the most highest rated. It had really good plot, it was large, hard and atmospherical; it was PIRATEY, it was FUN. From MI2 things have gone little worse. This is a matter of opinion but let me say that CMI was VERY GOOD except it was too short and too easy.


I don't know about MI4 but what I've heard... well, not so good. LA can't make forever FRESH Monkey Island games... yes, they're loosing their Magic. I hope LA realizes to stop before this happens; I think maximum of two MI games could be done. But those two should be more than just a cash-in...


Ron Gilbert left for his reasons but one was ( why he didn't do CMI ) that he wanted to end the MI series to MI2, leaving the ending mysterious. CMI started off from almost impossible plate and tried to explain the happening. MI4 was much easier to do than CMI because CMI's ending was really clear. Yes...


I'm always happy about new MI game but enough's enough in terms of quality and longetivity.




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It`s like Calvin & Hobbes. If you don`t stop at some point you`ll start repeating yourself. Bill was smart enough to stop at exatly the perfect point, he didn`t go to far. The quality of EMI was nowhere close the one of f.ex MI2. I didn`t see that at first, but the idea of EMI isn`t good enough. If you haven`t played any of the earlier games, you should do that, and see how much better the story is. The graphics of CMI were brilliant, and the story was at least OK. CMI style and MI2 story is most MI players`s dream. Sadly, that will never happen. If you have played the others then (no offence) I suppose you go for the graphics. I also liked the EMI style at first, but not so much anymore.


Well, back to the point, they can`t continue making the MI games forever. Five games seems like a good number, although I hope that number 5 will be so good that everyone will want a number six, and so on.

Bur that probably won`t happen. Sadly.



Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey


Right now do tell me? Why has no one realised that Guybrush and Elaine are married! Most married couples have children!

Children grow up and are like their parents! Therefore why won't they have kids then they can carry on the adventure! And Guybrush can grow to be an old man and not get killed off! and who said something about La not being able to create anymore original story lines. THIS IS LUCASARTS WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE! OF COURSE THEY CAN!They have made the biggest cult movie ever! And you know the others! Lucasarts should carry on Monkey Island because the demand will never run out. Even if i have to buy a million copies myself! biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Spud21:

I think Guybrush should die in one of the games, 5 or 6, and then come back in a new game where he teams up with Manny Calavera. I think you could also make something like DOTT where you can play multiple characters, like Guybrush, Elaine, and Murray. Murray must come back.



Oh, what a great idea...

In the beginning of MI5 Guybrush should die and then Manny Calavera comes to take him to the Land of the Dead.

And there's a whole new Monkey Island/Grim Fandango game...




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I don't thing A MI-GF crossover would work.

First of all, the styles and graphics of the games are completely different. Grim Fandango has about two jokes in it and has much different textures and more down-to-earth characters.

Second, this is beginning to sound like those awful Flintstones-Jetsons crossovers. Yechh.



"Eew. Monkey hallitosis." --Guybrush Threepwood

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