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What is a "Three Headed Monkey" man?

Guest Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Guest Arnold Schwarzenegger

I have seen some users wit "Monkey" titles and some wit "Three Headed Monkey" titles! (Mine is "Monkey")!


And there's also this "Devil Skull" and "The Secret"!


How do I become a "Three Headed Monkey"? How can I be a "Devil Skull" or a "The Secret"? What do these titles mean? confused.gif


Think you can help?



No one shall escape the wrath of... THE EXTERMINATOR!!!!




[This message has been edited by Arnold Schwarzenegger (edited September 29, 2001).]

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You'll be "Three headed" after 200 posts. (No spam, pls.)


A Moderator is a "Devil Skull" and the highest rank has the "Secrets."


The master is ZeroXcape who makes the decisions re new Devils and Secrets.


brief and Grannen are Devil Skulls and Murta and Newfoundgloryboy are Secrets together with ZeroXcape (the Master).


A Devil Skull can remove/edit any messages and read IP numbers/addresses and a Secret can (among for me other unknown things) also ban a membership/IP number.



Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen



[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited September 27, 2001).]

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Guest Arnold Schwarzenegger

Can I make my own forum page and be a "Devil Skull"? Do "Three Headed Monkeys" have some kind of advantages?



No one shall escape the wrath of... THE EXTERMINATOR!!!!




[This message has been edited by Arnold Schwarzenegger (edited September 29, 2001).]

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Guest Arnold Schwarzenegger

You can't fool me!!! That's not my name and you haven't really guessed my password at all! It's impossible!!


I'm "Arnold Schwarzenegger" but you are "ArnoId Schwarzenegger" with a big "I"! What do you think I am? STUPID! And I bet you're that fake NiKo: I tought you left the forum! And I have this signature to prove that I'm really me and you're fake!



No one shall escape the wrath of... THE EXTERMINATOR!!!!




[This message has been edited by Arnold Schwarzenegger (edited September 29, 2001).]

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Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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